Releases: researchgate/restler
Releases · researchgate/restler
What's Changed
- Restored error handling for duplicate key exceptions
- fix: Restored error handling for duplicate keys by @rg-sebastian-k in #28
New Contributors
- @rg-sebastian-k made their first contribution in #28
Full Changelog: 6.0.0...6.0.1
Backwards incompatible changes
- Upgraded to mongodb-driver-sync 4.10.2 and morphia 2.4.4
- Upgraded from Java 8 to Java 11
- Interface changes:
now uses List instead of UpdateOperationsMongoBaseServiceDao::createUpdateOperations
has been removed
- Morphia required changes
- BasicDAO morphiaDao is no longer exposed. Use Datastore datastore instead. Examples:
- instead of;, use;
- instead of morphiaDao.createQuery().filter("test", 123).asList(); use datastore.find(entityClazz).filter(Filters.eq("test", 123)).iterator().toList();
- Annotation changes
- BasicDAO morphiaDao is no longer exposed. Use Datastore datastore instead. Examples:
- For ServiceQuery projections, limit, offset, and order to be applied, use MongoBaseServiceDao::get or getOne
- If you issue the query not via Restler, you can use MongoBaseServiceDao::toFindOptions to prepare the FindOptions from the ServiceQuery
- Note if upgrading to MongoDB 4.2+:
- If you use MongoServiceDao::findAndModify or a replace document operation that includes upsert: true and is on a sharded collection,
- the filter must include an equality match on the full shard key.
What's Changed
- Major update to Java 11, mongodb-driver-sync 4.10.2 and morphia 2.4.4 by @niallkelly in #27
New Contributors
- @niallkelly made their first contribution in #27
Full Changelog: 5.0.2...6.0.0
Backwards incompatible change: Upgraded mongoDB client to 4.1.1
What's Changed
- Added debug logs for group by queries by @dulanja33 in #22
- Upgraded mongo-java-driver to 4.1 and morphia to 1.6.1 by @VPriesnitz in #23
New Contributors
- @dulanja33 made their first contribution in #22
Full Changelog: 4.0.0...5.0.0