This repository contains a collection of basic Fortran 95 (FTN95) programming examples designed to work with the Plato IDE. These examples cover fundamental numerical and algorithmic methods, including CPU time measurement, Gaussian elimination, factorial calculation, and more. These programs are excellent for understanding key concepts in computational programming and Fortran syntax.
- CPU Time Measurement
- Gaussian Elimination and Factorization
- Gaussian Elimination with Scaled Partial Pivoting
- Geometric Series Sum of Powers of 2
- Interactive Factorial Calculator Program
- Thomas Algorithm for Tridiagonal Systems of Equations
This example demonstrates how to measure the CPU time taken by a Fortran program using the CPU_TIME
intrinsic function. It measures the time taken to execute a particular block of code and outputs the result in seconds.
program cpu_time_example
real :: start, finish
call cpu_time(start)
! Code to test here
call cpu_time(finish)
print *, "Time = ", finish - start, " seconds."
end program cpu_time_example
This simple example is useful for performance testing and optimization of Fortran programs.
This example demonstrates solving a system of linear equations using Gaussian Elimination without pivoting. The system is represented by a matrix (A) and a vector (b), and the goal is to find the solution vector (x).
program gauss_elimination
implicit none
integer, parameter:: n = 3
real :: a(n, n), b(n), x(n)
integer :: i, j, k
! Matrix and vector setup
! Perform Gaussian elimination
! Back substitution to find the solution
end program gauss_elimination
This example is foundational for understanding the method of solving linear equations using direct methods.
This example enhances Gaussian elimination by adding scaled partial pivoting, which helps improve numerical stability. It swaps rows based on the largest scaled element in the current column.
program gauss_pivot
implicit none
integer, parameter:: n = 3
real :: a(n, n), b(n), x(n)
integer :: i, j, k
! Matrix setup and pivoting logic
end program gauss_pivot
This method reduces the risk of round-off errors, especially for ill-conditioned systems.
This example calculates the sum of the first ( n ) powers of 2 using a geometric series. It's a simple but effective way to demonstrate the application of mathematical series in Fortran.
program geometric_series
implicit none
integer :: i, n
real :: sum
n = 10
sum = 0.0
do i = 1, n
sum = sum + 2**i
end do
print *, "Sum of geometric series:", sum
end program geometric_series
This program calculates the sum ( S = 2^1 + 2^2 + ... + 2^n ).
This example prompts the user to input a number and computes its factorial using a simple iterative loop. It demonstrates user input handling and function calls in Fortran.
program factorial_calculator
implicit none
integer :: n
print *, "Enter a number:"
read *, n
print *, "Factorial is: ", factorial(n)
function factorial(n)
integer :: n
integer :: factorial
integer :: i
factorial = 1
do i = 1, n
factorial = factorial * i
end do
end function factorial
end program factorial_calculator
This is a basic example for learning how to write and use functions and handle user input.
This example demonstrates the Thomas algorithm, an efficient method for solving a system of linear equations where the matrix is tridiagonal. The program solves (Ax = b) with a tridiagonal matrix (A) and vector (b).
program thomas_algorithm
implicit none
integer :: i
real :: a(n), b(n), c(n), d(n), x(n)
! Setup matrix and vector
! Thomas algorithm for solving tridiagonal system
end program thomas_algorithm
This algorithm is highly efficient for specific types of systems, making it a key technique for numerical linear algebra.
To run the above examples in Plato IDE, follow these steps:
Install Plato IDE: Download and install the Plato IDE for Fortran from here.
Create a New Project:
- Open Plato IDE.
- Go to File > New Project and select Fortran Project.
- Create a new Fortran file for your example code.
Compile and Run:
- Write or paste the example code into the Plato editor.
- Save the file with a
extension. - Click on Build and Run to compile and execute the program.
Output: The output will appear in the console within Plato, where you can view results like CPU time, solution vectors, or error messages.
These code examples are free to use. Please credit the source if you decide to use them in your own projects, particularly when modifying or redistributing the content.