For many years my wife and I have been using MS Excel to write down all the expenses we made during the month.
But for me, it was always hard to maintain, backup, or do some analytical grouping, etc.
That's why I decided to write an app and move it to APEX
Here you can check a working DEMO of the application published at
The app is published without any guarantees and is still in development.
However I'v been using it at "production" in my home for few months :)
- I assume that you have Oracle Database minimum 19.X, and APEX minimum 20.2
- Below examples are dedicated for using with Oracle Cloud - probably you will have to tune it a little if you use sth else.
- Using privileged user e.g ADMIN, run:
create user HOME_BUDGET identified by [PASSWORD];
grant connect to HOME_BUDGET;
grant create view to HOME_BUDGET;
grant create job to HOME_BUDGET;
grant create table to HOME_BUDGET;
grant create type to HOME_BUDGET;
grant create sequence to HOME_BUDGET;
grant create trigger to HOME_BUDGET;
grant create procedure to HOME_BUDGET;
grant create any context to HOME_BUDGET;`
QUOTAS // it's "DATA" when you use Oracle Cloud Free ATP
Log into your APEX internal and: Create a workspace for your HOME_BUDGET user.
Log into the newly created HOME_BUDGET workspace. Install APEX application (When installing choose "Install supporting objects").
Choose f200.sql file from the newest ./build folder.
v1_0 25.10.2021
- installation file f200.sql will automatically install content of install_script.sql