Releases: rht-labs/labs-sre-automation
Releases · rht-labs/labs-sre-automation
> git log v1.0.26...v1.0.27-2 --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" --no-merges
- d7b9834 Locking infra-ansible to v2.0.8 by Øystein Bedin
- be4455b Fixing issue with identity-management inventory generation (#102) by makirill
- 63c1e27 Adding new role management (#98) by makirill
- cb3767a Updated README (#101) by Øystein Bedin
- 84d8dd8 Fixing the subdomain_base_suffix variable (#100) by makirill
- f3710d2 Setting notifications to 'False' for LDAP user (#99) by Øystein Bedin
> git log v1.0.21...v1.0.22-2 --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" --no-merges
- 40b3df0 Locking 'infra-ansible' on v2.0.7 by Øystein Bedin
- 8b00aa2 Fix format for the null.yaml playbook (#93) by makirill
- 95fc8f1 Move user info to a fact (#91) by MAHDTech
- af5657b Fixing task bugs (#90) by Øystein Bedin
- 9cba6d0 Updated playbook to use set_fact for identities to avoid fact issues (#89) by Øystein Bedin
> git log v1.0.20...v1.0.21-2 --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" --no-merges
- 7931171 Locking 'infra-ansible' on v2.0.6 by Øystein Bedin
- 03451f9 Remove additional quote (#88) by MAHDTech
- cc18446 Add missing subdomain (#87) by MAHDTech
- 62e6da3 Add missing ocp_subdomain (#86) by MAHDTech
- cad6ad2 Remove fields to pass schema validation (#85) by MAHDTech
- bf8f63d Action Schedule (#84) by MAHDTech
- 2db7126 Remove action_schedule from template (#83) by MAHDTech
- e851453 Enable gather_facts to define ansible_date_time variable (#82) by makirill
- ada29f7 Updating resourceclaim template to use working Ansible templating (#81) by Øystein Bedin
- ef07b94 Updated to align with new date format written by LodeStar (#80) by MAHDTech
- 5be7f92 Add action_schedule to template (#79) by MAHDTech