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CRAN submission - introduce rasterToContourPoly - deprecate contourSt…
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Timothée Giraud committed Mar 18, 2016
1 parent 0f6c1f6 commit 0fc21e0
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Showing 19 changed files with 314 additions and 392 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: SpatialPosition
Title: Spatial Position Models
Version: 1.0.9000
Date: 2015-12-04
Version: 1.1
Date: 2016-03-18
Authors@R: c(
person("Timothée", "Giraud", email = "[email protected]", role = c("cre","aut")),
person("Hadrien", "Commenges", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut")),
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export(quickStewart)
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions NEWS
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@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
SpatialPosition version 1.1 (Release date: 2016-)
SpatialPosition version 1.1 (Release date: 2016-03-18)

Major changes:
* Introduce the quickStewart function that outputs contour polygons easily
* Introduce the quickStewart function that outputs stewart contour polygons easily. Ratio of potentials are allowed.
* Introduce rasterToContourPoly to replace contourStewart.
* contourStewart is now deprecated. Use rasterToContour from raster to output contour lines and rasterToContourPoly from SpatialPosition to output polygons.

Minor changes:
* A resolution is set by default in CreateGrid

* A resolution is set by default in CreateGrid.
* Vignettes are updated to reflect major changes.

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106 changes: 9 additions & 97 deletions R/contourStewart.R
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@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
#' @title Create a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or a SpatialLinesDataFrame from a
#' Stewart Raster
#' @name contourStewart
#' @description This function creates a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialLinesDataFrame contour from the Stewart raster.
#' @description
#' \code{contourStewart} is deprecated. \cr
#' To obtain contour lines use \code{\link{rasterToContour}} from raster package. \cr
#' To obtain contour polygons use \code{\link{rasterToContourPoly}} from SpatialPosition package. \cr\cr\cr
#' This function creates a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialLinesDataFrame contour from the Stewart raster.
#' @param x raster; output of the \code{\link{rasterStewart}} function. The raster must contain only positive values.
#' @param breaks numeric; a vector of break values.
#' @param mask SpatialPolygonsDataFrame; mask used to clip contour shapes.
Expand All @@ -27,6 +31,7 @@
#' @import raster
#' @examples
#' data("spatData")
#' \dontrun{
#' #### Example with type = "line"
#' mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = spatPts, varname = "Capacite",
#' typefct = "exponential", span = 1000, beta = 3,
Expand All @@ -48,7 +53,6 @@
#' #### Example with type = "poly"
#' \dontrun{
#' mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = spatPts, varname = "Capacite",
#' typefct = "exponential", span = 1000, beta = 3,
#' resolution = 50, longlat = FALSE,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,103 +87,11 @@
#' @export
contourStewart <- function(x, breaks, mask, type = "line"){
if (type=="line"){
.Deprecated(new = "rasterToContour", package = "raster")
return(rasterToContour(x = x, levels = breaks[1:(length(breaks)-1)]))
if (type=="poly"){
if (!requireNamespace("rgeos", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("'rgeos' package needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
if(!'package:rgeos' %in% search()){

myproj <- mask@proj4string
# breaks
breakss <- breaks
# raster resolution
myres <- res(x)[1]

# union the mask
mask <- rgeos::gUnaryUnion(spgeom = mask, id = NULL)

# buffer around the mask
maskbuff <- rgeos::gBuffer(mask, byid = FALSE, width = 5 * myres )

# use a mask around the raster with the maskbuff
x <- mask(x,maskbuff, updatevalue = -1)
x[] <- -1

# adapt the breaks to the masked raster
minx <- min(x[x!=-1])
maxx <- max(x[x!=-1])
breaks <- breakss[(breakss>=minx & breakss<maxx)]
breaks <- c(breakss[which(min(breaks)==breakss)-1],breaks)

# test breaks
if(length(breaks)<2){stop("break values do not fit the raster values",
call. = FALSE)}
# build the contour lines
cl <- rasterToContour(x, levels = breaks)

cl$level <- as.numeric (as.character(cl$level))
SPlist <- list()
SPlevels <- character()
for (i in cl$level){
linex <- cl[cl@data$level == i,]
linex <- linex@lines
linex <- linex[[1]]
linex <- linex@Lines
Plist <- NULL
Plist <- list()
for (j in 1:length(linex)){
x <- linex[[j]]@coords
x <- sp::Polygon(coords = x, hole = F)
x <- sp::Polygons(srl = list(x), ID = j)
Plist[j] <- x
x <- sp::SpatialPolygons(Srl = Plist)
x <- rgeos::union(x = x)
if (class(x) != "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"){
x <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = x,
data = data.frame(
level = rep(i, length(x))))
} else {
x <- x[x@data$count < 2,]
x@data <- data.frame(level = rep(i, dim(x)[1]))
SPlist <- c(SPlist , x@polygons )
SPlevels <- c(SPlevels,x@data$level)
for (i in 1:length(SPlist)){
SPlist[[i]]@ID <- as.character(i)
x <- sp::SpatialPolygons(Srl = SPlist, proj4string = myproj)
x <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = x,
data = data.frame(levels = SPlevels))
# manage attributes data of the contour spdf
breaks <- c(breaks, maxx)

x@data <- data.frame(id = paste("id_",row.names(x),sep=""),
min = breaks[match(x$levels, breaks)],
max = breaks[match(x$levels, breaks)+1],
mean = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x@data$mean <- (x$min+x$max) / 2
row.names(x) <- x$id

# clip the contour spdf with the mask
final <- rgeos::gIntersection(spgeom1 = x, spgeom2 = mask, byid = TRUE,
id = row.names(x))
df <- data.frame(id = sapply(methods::slot(final, "polygons"),
methods::slot, "ID"))
row.names(df) <- df$id
final <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = final, data = df)
final@data <- data.frame(id = final$id, x[match(final$id, x$id),2:4])
final@plotOrder <- 1:nrow(final)
.Deprecated("rasterToContourPoly", package = "SpatialPosition")
return(rasterToContourPoly(r = x, breaks = breaks, mask = mask))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/package.R
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#' - \code{vignette(topic = "SpatialPosition")}\cr
#' A Stewart potentials use case:\cr
#' - \code{vignette(topic = "StewartExample")}.
#' @seealso \link{stewart}, \link{rasterStewart}, \link{plotStewart},
#' \link{contourStewart}, \link{huff}, \link{rasterHuff}, \link{plotHuff},\link{reilly},
#' @seealso \link{stewart}, \link{rasterStewart}, \link{plotStewart}, \link{quickStewart},
#' \link{rasterToContourPoly}, \link{huff}, \link{rasterHuff}, \link{plotHuff},\link{reilly},
#' \link{rasterReilly}, \link{plotReilly},
#' \link{CreateGrid}, \link{CreateDistMatrix}.
#' @docType package
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44 changes: 11 additions & 33 deletions R/quickStewart.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#' @title Create a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of Potentials Contours
#' @name quickStewart
#' @description
#' This function is a wrapper around \link{stewart}, \link{rasterStewart} and \link{contourStewart} functions.
#' This function is a wrapper around \link{stewart}, \link{rasterStewart}
#' and \link{rasterToContourPoly} functions.
#' Providing only the main parameters of these functions, it simplifies a lot the computation of potentials.
#' This function creates a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of potential values.
#' It also allows to compute directly the ratio between the potentials of two variables.
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#' If var2 is provided the ratio between the potentials of var (numerator)
#' and var2 (denominator) is computed.
#' @seealso \link{stewart}, \link{rasterStewart}, \link{plotStewart},
#' \link{contourStewart}, \link{CreateGrid}, \link{CreateDistMatrix}.
#' \link{rasterToContourPoly}, \link{CreateGrid}, \link{CreateDistMatrix}.
#' @import sp
#' @import raster
#' @export
Expand All @@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
#' if(require("cartography")){
#' breaks <- c(unique(pot.spdf$min), max(pot.spdf$max))
#' cartography::choroLayer(spdf = pot.spdf, df = pot.spdf@data,
#' var = "mean", breaks = breaks,
#' var = "center", breaks = breaks,
#' legend.pos = "topleft",
#' legend.title.txt = "Nb. of Beds")
#' }
Expand All @@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
#' if(require("cartography")){
#' breaks <- c(unique(pot2.spdf$min), max(pot2.spdf$max))
#' cartography::choroLayer(spdf = pot2.spdf, df = pot2.spdf@data,
#' var = "mean", breaks = breaks,
#' var = "center", breaks = breaks,
#' legend.pos = "topleft",legend.values.rnd = 3,
#' legend.title.txt = "Nb. of Beds")
#' }
Expand All @@ -82,7 +83,6 @@ quickStewart <- function(spdf, df, spdfid = NULL, dfid = NULL, var,
beta, resolution = NULL,
mask = NULL,
nclass = 8, breaks = NULL){

# IDs
if (is.null(spdfid)){spdfid <- names(spdf@data)[1]}
if (is.null(dfid)){dfid <- names(df)[1]}
Expand All @@ -92,22 +92,7 @@ quickStewart <- function(spdf, df, spdfid = NULL, dfid = NULL, var,
df[match(spdf@data[,spdfid], df[,dfid]),])
spdf <- spdf[![,dfid]),]

# Missing mask
bb <- bbox(spdf)
mm <- matrix(data = c(bb[1,1], bb[2,1],
bb[1,2], bb[2,1],
bb[1,2], bb[2,2],
bb[1,1], bb[2,2],
bb[1,1], bb[2,1]),
nrow = 5, byrow = T)
mask <- SpatialPolygons(
Srl = list(Polygons(
srl = list(Polygon(coords = mm, hole = FALSE)), ID = "id")),
proj4string = spdf@proj4string)

# pot computation
# pot computation
pot <- stewart(knownpts = spdf,
varname = var,
typefct = typefct,
Expand All @@ -128,18 +113,11 @@ quickStewart <- function(spdf, df, spdfid = NULL, dfid = NULL, var,
ras <- rasterStewart(pot)
# missing break
breaks <- seq(from = cellStats(ras, min, na.rm = TRUE),
to = cellStats(ras, max, na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = (nclass+1))

# Spdf creation
pot.spdf <- contourStewart(x = ras,
breaks = unique(breaks),
mask = mask,
type = "poly")
pot.spdf <- rasterToContourPoly(r = ras,
nclass = nclass,
breaks = breaks,
mask = mask)

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