Places is an app that helps students find important locations around the Cornell Campus such as bathrooms, water fountains, and Blue Light Zones. Places includes authentication and the ability for users to rate places and leave reviews.
This app was created by a team of 5 Cornell students.
- Ria Vora (iOS Developer)
- Neil Madhavani (iOS Developer)
- Kate Liang (Backend Developer)
- Woosang Kang (Backend Developer)
- Sara Choi (Product Designer)
Places won first place the Cornell AppDev Hack Challenge in Fall 2020 Best Overall Category
Check out the demo video here:
- Sign up/ Sign in page that notifies users if an incorrect username/password is entered
- MapKit implementation to show all the places in map view
- UICollectionView implementation to show all places in tile view
- Search bar to search through places and a filter bar created using a UICollectionView
- Ability for users to add their own reviews
- User page where users can view places they have marked as favorite and view reviews that they have written
- Pages update as data is added (ie. new review or new place marked as favorite)
- Place detail views to show the individual descriptions and reviews for a place when user clicks on tile or map pin