To download the data, simply replace 'xxx' in your Kaggle API ID and Key. You can access this by
My Account -> Create New API Token -> Access Kaggle.json file for ID and Key
If you happen to have your chest x-ray picture lying around, or just want to test the model on another chest x-ray picture, simply replace the images in ".chest-xray/val".
It uses transfer learning on top of the VGG-16 pretrained weights, with three fully-connected lyaers with dropout regularization and maxpooling. Please refer to this paper for more information on VGG-16. (
The trained model weights are available in "models" folder. The weights were taken from three different intervals of epochs, at around 35~38 epochs.
- Richie Youm
Please note that this is a side project, and is not meant to replace your doctor's appointment. Seek professional medical help if you feel sick.