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echiaradia edited this page Sep 7, 2021 · 8 revisions

Create an empty database or filled by demo data

IdragraTools can make a new empty database, a database with parameters and finally a database for demonstration.
Create a new database

Explore database with featured dialogs

IdragraTools enhances the user experience with QGIS with custom layer forms
Featured dialog

Assisted procedures to import data from external sources

Data can be imported in the database from external source and compatible GIS format Import from csv

Assisted procedures to setup and create a simulation dataset

All the steps to prepare the data necessary to Idragra are accessible from the menu. All Idragra steps

Run Cropcoef and Idragra model internally

The simulation can be run directly by the user interface. Run all

Make statistics and other aggregation functions from results

Functions to create reporting maps are also available.
Make statistics

Processing algorithms for advanced users

Some functions are also accessible from the processing framework and can be use in case of repetitive jobs.