HackCBS 5.0, a legacy being carried forward by like-minded individuals aims to collaborate the intellects of programmers, designers, application developers, tech-geeks, and newbies in the world of programming for the intensive development of a hack.
We are introducing AR in an education platform. We will provide a method to real-time render 3D models within the real world, currently by using marker-based methods. Seeing the potential growth in the Metaverse, our platform will be able to utilize such innovations to the fullest in a core human necessity i.e. education.
- Rishvic Pushpakaran
- Ritik Gupta
- Chinmay Negi
- Prateek Singh
Edtech + AR/VR
MERN + Elasticsearch (mirrored with MongoDB) so as to increase search speed.
ARJS for AR Integration
First, install the dependencies using:
npm install in backend and client both
# or
yarn install
Second, add environment variable in .env
Third, run the development server using:
npm start in backend and client both
# or
yarn start
Created an online platform where one can post course videos, images or text as a creater and can also view the content of other users.
App has been authenticated and authorized using Google Oauth.
This app will show the list of courses on the landing page along with likes, dislikes and thumbnail.
For accessing courses the user clicks explore button to navigate to the course page where he can see the overview of course with all the sections.
Course content, which is stored in MongoDB, is regularly synced to an Elasticsearch instance so as to improve search latency.
The user can migrate to individual sections to see the contents of that sections and is also allowed to like dislike and ask the questions.
Every sections comes along with a Q and A section.
App also includes the user profile page for accessing and editing the user details.
Backend authorization is maintained by passport.js and JWT Tokens; for the frontend, Context API is used to maintain this.
One of the main highlight of the app includes AR integration which is in beta mode and can be further upgraded for various awesome hacks.
AR integration for now includes the ability of rendering various 3D models on Hiro/Kanji markers.
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.