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BlueImp File Upload Widget for Yii2 ActiveRecord attributes

Widget to render the jQuery File Upload UI plugin similar to its demo for ActiveRecord attributes. Allows multiple widgets for one ActiveRecord and allows multiple files per attribute. Relies on custom controller actions to generate the expected responses, and some custom file validation.

The files paths are not stored in the database but derived based on model name and primary key. Validation can force there to be 1 file, 0 files, or 1+ files per attribute, and maintains this thru model updates. Files can be private or public on s3 via requesting an expiring (signed) url, hence safe for sensitive information.

The POST request generated when sending files, sends all files in a single request along with other form data, allowing for files to act the same as any other input in the form i.e. the files shouldn't be saved until all inputs are validated, and the database has been successfully updated. Supports validation across all files for an attribute e.g. maxFiles, and also supports per file validation e.g. matching mime types etc.

This is currently untested in applications other than the one I am currently working on. In this project the files are arranged hierachically as per navigation within the system i.e. Client > 1 > Project > 3 > Task > 5 forms the directory path (actually a key in Amazon s3) Client/1/Project/3/Task/5 and attributes are added where necassary e.g. Client/1/logo-image/logoimage1.jpg. This allows for simple cleanup of obsolete files when a model is deleted i.e. in a unix file system rm -rf Client/1 when ClientActiveRecord::findOne(1)->delete() or on s3 remove all objects fromt the bucket where prefix is Client/1/ and then remove Client/1 (don't want to remove Client/10 etc)


Attach the controller trait to your controller, and the ActiveRecordTrait to your ActiveRecord and alter as necassary.

class AccountController extends \backend\components\Controller
    use \common\components\FileControllerTrait;

Within your form set


Set the submit button as follows (an ordinary submit button in the form will not work)

<?= $this->context->renderPartial('@vendor/2amigos/yii2-file-upload-widget/views/saveButtonBar.php'); ?>

Add the widget for each attribute file attribute

<?= dosamigos\fileupload\FileUploadUIAR::widget([
    'model' => $model,
    'attribute' => 'image',
    'options' => ['accept' => 'image/*'],
    'clientOptions' => [
        'maxFileSize' => 2000000

Copy, alter and use as needed the example traits for active record and controller.
These won't work out of the box in a new project but are noted in comments where
they will likely need changing, mainly todo with the hierachical navigation within
the application this currently written for.

Add 'getexistingfiles' to the allowed actions within your controllers rules

In your ActiveRecord, add file properties, getFileAttributes() method and add
rules that apply to the attribute as a whole (per file validation is explained

class Account extends \common\components\ActiveRecord { use \common\components\FileActiveRecordTrait;

 * @var string $logo_image is a file attribute
public $logo_image;

 * Get the attribute names for files
 * @return array or strings - file attribute names
public function getFileAttributes()
    return [

 * @inheritdoc
public function rules()
    return [
        [['logo_image'], '\dosamigos\fileupload\FileValidator', 'skipOnEmpty' => false, 'maxFiles' => 2],


Copy and alter for each file attribute example file dosamigos\fileupload\AccountLogoImageFile.php which
contains the validation rule applicable per file

This widget is configured to use dosamigos resource mananger - currently
configured for amazon s3 hence alter your local config similarly to

'components' => [
    'resourceManager' => [
        'class' => 'dosamigos\resourcemanager\AmazonS3ResourceManager',
        'key' => 'your key',
        'secret' => 'your secret',
        'bucket' => 'your bucket'

Further Information
Please, check the [jQuery File Upload documentation]( for further
information about its configuration options.


BlueImp File Upload Widget for Yii2







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  • PHP 65.7%
  • JavaScript 32.2%
  • CSS 2.1%