Hello and welcome to my GitHub! My name is Ryan Jensen and I'm a seasoned software engineer. i currently create and maintain a lengthy list of various software products for two different companies.
One company is my full-time job where I'm a Software Engineer III, meaning I'm a lead on most projects, I mentor younger engineers and developers, and I focus on my team's and company's overall success. The other company is a different story; I'm the entire IT department. I write all the software, maintain all the cloud infrastructure, troubleshoot any customer complaints, and keep everything running behind the scenes. Both of these roles keep me busy, but I've always got time for my friends and family and for learning new things to keep my skills up-to-date.
I really want to spend some time soon on a few projects that would either make my life easier as a developer or make life more fun.
One such project is the digitized version of a board game my mom's side of the family came up with. The repository is already created, so I just need to spend the time spinning it up.
I've worked for a few different companies now. Each time I onboard at a new one, I spend the first week or two setting my machine up. I would love to have a repository with some scripts that take care of downloading the tools I use and some configuration files to load specific settings I've grown to rely on.