For information about the regenbox project or to pre-order hardware, go to
is the web remote control interface for your regenbox
We've got a slack running at
To get auto-invited you need to enter your e-mail address here
Everyone's welcome to chat about the project or get live help from the team.
Before being able to connect to your Regenbox, you're gonna need arduino drivers.
Refer to the drivers section for detailed instructions on how to do so.
Download latest release for your OS / architecture at the releases page
You can download from source using go get
, if you're familiar with it.
go get -v
After drivers are installed and you downloaded your goregen
release, the next step
is to upload the file firmware.ino
into the Arduino of your Regenbox.
Once again refer to firmware section for detailed instructions.
If you have proper driver installed & the firmware installed, open a terminal to the extracted folder
and run goregen
which should output something like this:
rkj@rkdeb:/tmp/goregen$ ./goregen
2017/06/21 12:51:33 using config file: /tmp/goregen/config.toml
2017/06/21 12:51:33 trying "/dev/ttyUSB0"...
2017/06/21 12:51:33 connected to "/dev/ttyUSB0" in 404.825718ms
2017/06/21 12:51:33 starting conn watcher (poll rate: 1s)
2017/06/21 12:51:33 starting webserver on http://localhost:3636 ...
A default configuration config.toml
is shipped with goregen
You need to modify it using a text editor with appropriate values where needed, restart of goregen
is required
for reloading configuration.
Resistor = 10 # The value of the resistor you're using in Ohms
BetaId = "" # Beta ID as provided with your Regenbox
Name = "" # Your aka
BetaRef = "" # Beta reference as provided with your Regenbox
Type = "" # AAA / AA...
Voltage = 0 # In millivolts
Brand = "" # Battery brand
Model = "" # Battery model
Mode = "Charger" # Charger / Discharger / Cycler (usually set using web interface controls)
NbHalfCycles = 10 # In Cycler mode, number of half-cycles to do before stopping
UpDuration = "24h0m0s" # Maximum duration for a Charge cycle
DownDuration = "24h0m0s" # Maximum duration for a Discharge cycle
TopVoltage = 1500 # Target voltage for a Charge cycle
BottomVoltage = 900 # Target voltage for a Discharge cycle
Ticker = "10s" # Check & save to datalog battery voltage every
ChargeFirst = false # In Cycler mode, start with a charge cycle if true, else discharge
#------------These are a bit more advanced and shouldn't need modification.
ListenAddr = "localhost:3636" # Listening address & port for the local server
StaticDir = "static" # Path to static assets, extracted with goregen -assets
DataDir = "data" # Path to charts datalogs
WebsocketInterval = "1s" # Check regenbox state on web interface every
ConnPollRate = "1s" # Check USB connection to Regenbox every
[Serial] # Advanced serial settings
BaudRate = 57600
DataBits = 8
Parity = 0
StopBits = 0
open web browser at http://localhost:3636/
If you see a blank oscilloscope and the mention Status: Disconnected
, it means something's not quite ready yet on the
hardware side, please refer to the drivers section
rkj@rkdeb:~/go/src/$ ./goregen -h
Usage of ./goregen:
-assets string
restore static assets to provided directory & exit
-config string
path to config (defaults to <root>/config.toml)
-data string
path to data directory (defaults to <root>/data)
-dev string
path to serial port, if empty it will be searched automatically
-log string
path to logs directory (defaults to <root>/log)
-root string
path to goregen's main directory (defaults to executable path)
-v higher verbosity
print version & exit
The project is oh-so-young and needs help from everyone. Testing and documenting comes to mind, in the wiki section for example which needs love, feedback and evolution with the project. Any form of contribution to the code-base is also definitely welcome, for now no specifics are in place but usual guidelines apply.
Please provide as much information as possible and post an issue at the issues page :