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A library for generating C++ code from code.

Based off of libkode, but designed to have both a DSL API and not tied to Qt.


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cd build
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libcppgenerate uses a fluent API in order to allow for easy creation. Alternatively, you can have the function calls do only one thing.

Fluent example

/* Create a class called MathOperations */
cppgenerate::Class c( "MathOperations" );

/* Fluent interface: chain all of the method calls together */
c.setNamespace( "Math" )
   .addSystemInclude( "string" )
   .addMethod( cppgenerate::Method::create()
      .setName( "add" )
      /* The documentation is in javadoc/doxygen compatible format */
      .setDocumentation( "Adds two integers" )
      .addArgument( cppgenerate::Argument()
               .setType( "int" )
               .setName( "arg1" ) )
      .addArgument( cppgenerate::Argument()
               .setType( "int" )
               .setName( "arg2" ) )
      .setReturnType( "int" )
      .setCode( cppgenerate::CodeBlock::create().addLine( "return arg1 + arg2;" ) )
  .addMethod( cppgenerate::Method::create()
      .setName( "square" )
      .addArgument( cppgenerate::Argument()
               .setType( "int" )
               .setName( "arg1" ) )
      .setReturnType( "int" )
      .setCode( cppgenerate::CodeBlock::create().addLine( "return arg1 * arg1;" ) )

/* Set the header that we want to write out */
std::ofstream header; "MathOperations.h" );

/* Set the implementation that we want to print out */
std::ofstream cpp; "MathOperations.cpp" );

/* Print the header and implementation */
c.print( header, cpp );

Imperative Example

/* Create a class called MathOperations */
cppgenerate::Class c( "MathOperations" );

/* imperative: same API as fluent, but can be useful in some situations */
c.setNamespace( "Math" );
c.addSystemInclude( "string" );

cppgenerate::Method addMethod;
addMethod.setName( "add" );
addMethod.setDocumentation( "Adds two integers" );
addMethod.setAccessModifier( cppgenerate::AccessModifier::PUBLIC );

cppgenerate::Argument addArg1;
addArg1.setType( "int" );
addArg1.setName( "arg1" );

addMethod.addArgument( addArg1 );

cppgenerate::Argument addArg2;
addArg2.setType( "int" );
addArg2.setName( "arg2" );

addMethod.addArgument( addArg2 );
addMethod.setReturnType( "int" );

cppgenerate::CodeBlock block;
block.addLine( "return arg1 + arg2;" );

addMethod.setCode( block );
c.addMethod( addMethod );

cppgenerate::Method squareMethod;
squareMethod.setName( "square" );
squareMethod.setAccessModifier( cppgenerate::AccessModifier::PUBLIC );

cppgenerate::Argument squareArgument;
squareArgument.setType( "int" );
squareArgument.setName( "arg1" );

squareMethod.addArgument( squareArgument );
squareMethod.setReturnType( "int" );

cppgenerate::CodeBlock squareBlock;
squareBlock.addLine( "return arg1 * arg1;" );

squareMethod.setCode( squareBlock );
c.addMethod( squareMethod );

std::ofstream header; "MathOperations.h" );

std::ofstream cpp; "MathOperations.cpp" );

c.print( header, cpp );


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