Download this project to you IDE. It's base on nodejs express so that you need to preinstall Node js.
Then go to config.js file change mongodb url, change the db name and JWT token Secret also change the server IP, change the path (For windows like C:User/rmtomal/varsity_showcase/upload/). You will get your ip address using cmd ifconfig
Now change the mailSender.js file
If you had done everything successfully. Now run command npm i
Then start the server using. node app.js
Go to the python_flask_code
Let's start the second python script. It is a flask server so you need to install pip install flask
, pip install dlib
, pip install face-recognition
. Once install done. Now run the server using this cmd line: python3 -u
Once run all perfectly. You can import postman api json on postman then test api.
So that let's do the next part. Download the Android app using this link
Now open it in Android studio.
Here, will get file call Change the ip
here also from API_URL . Rebuild the app from Build -> Rebuild. If not get API_URL add this code
Let's run the app and enjoy everything using face varification.