This project solves a Sudoku puzzle and overlays the solution onto the image in real time. This project is based off of the project from geaxgx1 found here:
In general Sudoku is solved using the Backtracking approach (bruteforce). Here we are using the Greedy Best First Search Approach algorithm. A modified version of the Naive Back Tracking method. IT selects the path which appears best at that moment. It is the combination of deapth-first search and breadth-first search algorithms. The greedy best first algorithm is implemented by the priority queue. Find more information about the method here: The strategy that I used is inspired by
- Reads image from real time input or a video or an image.
- Convers input image to black and white. Applies threshold to remove unwanted noise.
- Get the boundary of the largest countour. (the outline of the sudoku matrix)
- In each cell of the sudoku matrix, detect if any number si there or not byfinding contours.
- Predict those detected numbers.
- Input the predicted numbers into Sudoku SOlving algorithm and get the output.
- Overlay the corresponding calculated results on the live image/video.
- Install all required libraries in requirements.txt
- Directly run all cells of sudoku file. It does all the imports by itself.
- Grab your Sudoku puzzle in front of your camera and solution will be relayed over their respective questions.
- To stop the camera, click 'Q" on keyboard.