![Build Status] (https://www.codeship.io/projects/46009540-08ea-0131-c7f8-0278930b9bbc/status)
An example seed to create reusable d3 charts using the d3.chart framework.
- Grunt setup with jshint, connect, jasmine, and watch
- d3.chart, d3, and jquery (just for kicks)
- Boilerplate setup for tests and charts
- jasmine jquery helper
- clone this repository and cd to it
- run
npm install
- add tests to spec/exampleSpec.js
- add your chart logic to src/example.js
- run
to test and build your chart
Runsgrunt test build
grunt build
minifies your chart and places it indist/
grunt test
Runs jshint, jasmine tests through phantomjsgrunt test-interactive
Builds the jasmine SpecRunner, serves it via an ad hoc server, and opens it in your browser
Copyright (c) 2012 Rakesh Patel
Licensed under the BSD license.