A cli tool to search torrents made with the jackett api
Install the dependencies (jq, fzf, jackett)
Add some indexers to jackett
Copy your api key
Download the script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rodrigo-sys/jsc/main/jsc
Open it
Change 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' string, in the head of the file for you jackett api key
Made it executable
chmod +x jsc
Put the script in somewhere in your path
jsc <search_term>
if you want to filter by tracker:
jsc -t <tracker> -s <search_term>
jsc -t rarbg -s 'palm springs'
(you need to use quotes if the search have spaces)
jsc palm springs
(you dont need quotes when not uses flags)
This program just output the magnet link of the selected result.
But if you want...
- With webtorrent
jsc palm springs | xargs -n 1 -r webtorrent --mpv
- With mpv-webtorrent-hook
jsc queen gambit | xargs -n 1 -r mpv
jsc palm springs | xargs -n 1 -r xdg-open
jsc palm springs | xargs -n 1 -r <torrent_client>
Make functions to make easy:
nfx(){ # netflix
jsc "$@" | xargs -n 1 -r webtorrent --mpv
tpb(){ # the pirate bay
jsc "$@" | xargs -n 1 -r xdg-open
- jq
- fzf
- jackett
- Improve readme
- Make the demo a gif
- Share in social media
- Maybe add stream and open flag
Monero address: 4AAMMG4faRAhThF2hATV3BbxauGBdoD9AKzcZwANcr2sXtCADe7jpwABkDFtrkNEodJQq4xFVhPaMAHpFUZwZ9sqCwVLM7m