is originally a toolset to read public brazilian
microdata such as PNAD and Censo Escolar maintained by Lucas
Mation. In this fork,
some functions were modified, e.g., read Censo Escolar with ff
to support
very large datasets (from @lnribeiro fork), among others. ### NEW:
- Don’t use R? See: using the package from Stata and Python
- vignettes and Portuguese documentation
- Censo 1991, PNADs before 2001
- Support for data not fitting into memory.
IN near the future:
- variable name harmonization
this package contains functions to read most commonly used Brazilian
microdata easily and quickly. Importing these microdata can be tedious.
Most data is provided in fixed width files (fwf) with import
instructions only for SAS and SPSS. The Data sometimes comes subdivided
into serveral files, by state or macro regions. Also, it is common for
file and variable names of the same dataset to vary overtime.
handles all these idiosyncrasies for you. In the
background the package is running readr
for fwf data and data.table
for .csv data. Therefore reading is reasonably fast.
Currently the package includes import functions for:
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'printr':
#> method from
#> knit_print.data.frame rmarkdown
Source | Dataset | Import_function | Period | Subdataset |
IBGE | PNAD | read_PNAD | 1976 to 2015 | domicilios, pessoas |
IBGE | Pnad Contínua | read_PNADContinua | 2012-1q to 2017-4q | pessoas |
IBGE | Censo Demográfico | read_CENSO | 2000 | domicilios, pessoas |
IBGE | PME | read_PME | 2002.01 to 2015.12 | vinculos |
IBGE | POF | read_POF | 2008 | several, see details |
INEP | Censo Escolar | read_CensoEscolar | 1995 to 2019 | escolas, …, see details |
INEP | Censo da Educ. Superior | read_CensoEducacaoSuperior | 1995 to 2022 | see details |
INEP | Censo Escolar Formato 2023 | read_CensoEscolar_F2023 | 2006 to 2023 | see details |
MTE | CAGED | read_CAGED | 2009.01 to 2023.05 | vinculos |
MTE | RAIS | read_RAIS | 1998 to 2023 | estabelecimentos, vinculos |
For the datasets in fwf format, the package includes, internally, a list
of import dictionaries. These were constructed with the
function, which users can use to import
dictionaries from datasets not included here. Import dictionaries for
the datasets included in the package can be accessed with the
The package also harmonizes folder names, folder structure and file name that change overtime through a metadata table.It also unifies data that comes subdivides by regional subgroups (UF or região) into a single data object.
# Censo Demográfico 2000
download_sourceData("CENSO", 2000, unzip = T)
d <- read_CENSO('domicilios', 2000)
d <- read_CENSO('pessoas', 2000)
#To import data from a specific path in your machine use:
d <- read_CENSO('domicilios', 2000, root_path ="C:/....")
#To restrict the import to only one State use:
d <- read_CENSO('pessoas', 2000, UF = "DF")
# PNAD 2002
download_sourceData("PNAD", 2002, unzip = T)
d <- read_PNAD("domicilios", 2002)
d2 <- read_PNAD("pessoas", 2002)
# PNAD Continua
# quarterly version
download_sourceData("PnadContinua", i = "2014-4q", unzip = T)
d <- read_PNADcontinua("pessoas", i = "2014-4q")
# yearly version - 1st interview
download_sourceData("PnadContinua", i = "2016-anual-1v", unzip = T)
d <- read_PNADcontinua("pessoas", i = "2016-anual-1v")
# yearly version - 5th interview (available for some years, check get_available_periods)
download_sourceData("PnadContinua", i = "2016-anual-5v", unzip = T)
d <- read_PNADcontinua("pessoas", i = "2016-anual-5v")
# Censo Escolar
download_sourceData('CensoEscolar', 2005, unzip=T)
d <- read_CensoEscolar('escola',2005)
d <- read_CensoEscolar('escola',2005,harmonize_varnames=T)
#It will download files for all states and the selected year
download_sourceData("RAIS", i = "2000")
#To import data from all UFs in a single data.frame
d<- read_RAIS('vinculos', i = 2000)
#To import data from a selected group of UFs
d<- read_RAIS('vinculos', i = 2000, UF = c("DF","GO"))
#It will download files for all months and the selected year:
download_sourceData("PME", i = "2012.01")
#'Period' argument should with quotes and formated as "YYYY.MM"
d <- read_PME("vinculos", "2012.01")
To read only a selected subset of the data, use the argument
, the default is vars_subset = NULL
, this would result in
no subseting.
Example, To read only sex and percapita income variable of PNAD 2014, type:
d<- read_PNAD("pessoas",i = 2014, root_path = path.expand("~/Datasets/PNAD"),
vars_subset = c("V0302","V4750"))
If for some reason you renamed a file or folder, our metadata won’t work
for you and you will need to use the argument file
to point wich file
is to be imported.
In this situation, the command would look like this:
d<- read_PNAD("pessoas",i = 2014, file = path.expand("~/Datasets/PNAD/pnad_pes.txt"))
In this case you will also receive a warning:
You have specified the 'file' argument, in this case we will assume that data is in a .txt or .csv file stored in the address specified by the 'file' parameter
If you only need the import dictionaries and don’t want to use the
import functions of the package. Use the function
pnad_dic<- get_import_dictionary(dataset = "PNAD",i = 2014, ft = "pessoas")
This package is highly influenced by similar efforts, which are great time savers, vastly used and often unrecognized:
- Anthony Damico’s scripts to read most IBGE surveys. Great if you your data does not fit into memory and you want speed when working with complex survey design data.
- Data Zoom by Gustavo Gonzaga, Cláudio Ferraz and Juliano Assunção. Similar ease of use and harmonization of Brazilian microdada for Stata.
- dicionariosIBGE, by Alexandre Rademaker. A set of data.frames containing the information from SAS import dictionaries for IBGE datasets.
- IPUMS. Harmonization of Census data from several countries, including Brasil. Import functions for R, Stata, SAS and SPSS.
differs from those packages in that it:
- updates import functions to more recent years
- includes non-IBGE data, such as INEP Education Census and MTE RAIS (de-identified)
- separates import code from dataset specific metadata, as explained bellow.
Nowadays packages are normally provided on-line (or in a physical CD for the older IBGE publications) as .zip files with the following structure:
- dataset_year
- import_dictionary_subdatasetA.SAS
- subdatasetA_state1.txt
- subdatasetA_state2.txt
- …
- subdatasetA_stateN.txt
- subdatasetA_variables_and_cathegories_dictionary.xls
Users then normally manually reconstruct the import dictionaries in R by hand. Then, using this dictionary, run the import function, pointing to the DATA folder. Larger datasets (such as CENSUS or RAIS) come subdivided by state (or region), so the function must be repeated for all states. Then if the user needs more than one year of the dataset, the user repeats all the above, adjuting for changes fine and folder names.
The main design principle was separating details of each dataset in each
year - such as folder structure, data files and import dictionaries of
the of original data - into metadata tables (saved as csv files at the
folder). The elements in these tables, along with list of
import dictionaries extracted from the SAS import instructions from the
data provider, serve as parameters to import a dataset for a specific
year. This separation of dataset specific details from the actual code
makes code short and easier to extend to new packages.
ergonomics over speed (develop)