My name is Rodrigo Uroz and I've been working as a Software Engineer for over 25 years.
Yes, I was around when the Outlook team at Microsot developed the XMLHttpRequest standard that became the origin of what was later known as Ajax. We have definitely come a long way from that to the current state of the art of HTTP2 (with server push), stale-while-revalidate, React, etc. I also witnessed the transition from SOAP to REST and now GraphQL.
Since then I haven't stopped working in IT, taking different roles.
I love using computers to solve problems and to advance as a society. I feel passion in building software, I understood that when I shifted to an Engineering Manager role and still felt the urge to keep coding.
🔭 I’m currently working on, a site that processes over 15M records of products in Argentina and index them to be easily searched and compared by location and price.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected], @rodrigouroz, LinkedIn
⚡ Fun facts: I love playing videogames, something I started doing with my daugher recently and when she's old enough I'll teach her how to code because I truly believe coding is the language of the future. I also play the piano, I started a few years ago and I love it.
And always remember: