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Releases: rojo-rbx/remodel


17 Sep 18:26
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This is a small release with a breaking API change and several fixes.

Changes Since 0.10.0

  • Breaking: Reordered parameters of remodel.writeModelFile and remodel.writePlaceFile to accept path first, then content (#81).
  • Added Instance:ClearAllChildren(). (#84)
  • Added remodel.removeFile(path) and remodel.removeDir(path). (#80)
  • Fixed behavior of reading files in .remodel directory. (#83)
  • Changed to rbx_cookie for authentication. (#87)


13 Jun 22:14
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This release brings along some much-needed upgrades to Roblox-related dependencies.

This is also the first Remodel release to support Apple Silicon (AArch64)!

If you run into any issues, please let me know in Remodel's issue tracker.

Changes Since 0.9.1

  • Switched from rlua to mlua, which should improve Lua performance slightly. (#73)
  • Updated all dependencies to improve Roblox compatibility.


11 Oct 21:09
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This release brings some updated binaries, and a timeout fix for uploading large places.

Changes Since 0.9.0

  • Updated to latest rbx-dom libraries.
  • Increased Roblox API request timeout from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. (#63)


19 Jul 17:42
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This is a major release that brings the latest rbx-dom v2 packages into Remodel, fixing a bunch of bugs. We've also added a number of new APIs!

Changes Since 0.8.1

  • Updated to rbx-dom 2.0 ecosystem.
  • Added Instance:GetFullName() (#49)
  • Added Instance:FindFirstChildOfClass() (#50)
  • Added support for CFrame (#48)
  • Added support for Vector3, and improved Vector3int16 (#46)
  • Added Color3.fromRGB(red, blue, green) (#44)
  • Added json.toStringPretty (#55)


09 Apr 21:43
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This is a small follow-on release to 0.8.0. We've intentionally done two releases here to give users another version to choose from if the XML changes picked up in this release cause problems.

Changes Since 0.8.0

  • Updated to latest rbx_xml, which should fix OptionalCoordinateFrame-related issues.


09 Apr 21:21
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This release brings full binary place and model support to Remodel. There are still a couple edge cases, especially around MeshPart instances, but the advantages are big enough that it's worth becoming the default in Remodel.

If you encounter any breaking changes in this release, please report a bug and we'll get things squared away.

Changes Since 0.7.1

  • Ported to rbx-dom v2, which includes full support for binary and XML model files.
  • Changed all upload commands to upload as binary instead of XML.
  • Added support for CSRF negotiation to fix asset uploading. (#25)
  • Added support for Vector3int16.
  • Added support for BinaryString values.
  • Added Instance:GetDescendants().


06 Jul 19:50
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This release fixes a small but important bug from 0.7.0 related to argument parsing.

Changes Since 0.7.0

  • Fixed first argument to remodel run script being eaten by Remodel. (#19)


19 Apr 21:42
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This is a breaking change that updates Remodel's command line API and introduces a bunch of new features.

It is also the first release with official Linux binaries!

Changes Since 0.6.1

  • Breaking: Moved script execution to remodel run to make room for new subcommands.
    • If you previously used remodel foo.lua, use remodel run foo.lua now.
  • Added --verbose and -v flags for setting verbosity.
  • Added json.fromString and json.toString for encoding/decoding JSON
  • Added remodel.isFile and remodel.isDir.
  • Added support for reading the auth cookie through the REMODEL_AUTH environment variable.
  • Added support for Remodel looking for scripts in the .remodel folder of a project
    • remodel run foo will now run .remodel/foo.lua if it exists.
  • Added (experimental) support for building Rojo projects through rojo.buildProject.
    • This is behind the unstable_rojo_api Cargo feature and is not enabled by default.
  • Improved logging and error reporting across the board.


11 Dec 23:39
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This change is a minor update to all of Remodel's dependencies that should fix some issues people have encountered.

Changes Since 0.6.0

  • Upgraded reflection database and dependencies.
    • Error messages should now be improved, thanks to an rlua upgrade
    • XML models with CRLF line endings should no longer error spuriously, thanks to an rbx_xml upgrade


28 Sep 01:14
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This release introduces a couple new Roblox APIs and also adds a new feature to poke at properties with no validation.

A future release of Remodel will introduce Roblox-style properties, but this API makes it possible to read/write properties until that point. It took very little development work and will still be useful if Remodel is ever behind on adding a Roblox API.

Changes since 0.5.0

  • Breaking: now only works for instances that actually exist.
  • Added Instance:Clone() for copying instances all over the place, as is Roblox tradition. (#12)
  • Added DataModel:GetService() for finding services and creating them if they don't exist, like Roblox does. (#10)
  • Added remodel.getRawProperty(instance, name), a clunky but powerful API for reading properties with no validation.
  • Added remodel.setRawProperty(instance, name, type, value) for writing properties with no validation.
  • Fixed Remodel dropping unknown properties when reading/writing XML models. This should make Remodel's behavior line up with Rojo.
  • Improved error messages in preparation for #7 to be fixed upstream.
  • Remodel Windows binaries now statically link the MSVC CRT, which should improve portability.