Sending email to reviewers. #839
Self certification information to talent #878
Items in contact details are added to required field data validation #907
Version endpoint to contribution building block #897
Version endpoint to logging building block #898
Endpoint for showing required building blocks to contribution building block #904
Multiple selection list for required building block added to talent #917
Hide and toggle sensitive data. #905
Modified required capability in talent detail page #877
Minimum end user role as text in talent detail page #879
Made person and organization display order more consistence in catalog #908
Show general html values instead of raw data format in catalog #909
Contact information in contribution detail page shows html formatted data #914
Environmental variables in capability detail page shows html formatted data #915
Posting contribution error when required capability is empty in talent #874
End user role in posting doesn't update multiple selection #870
Show and hide of source repo url based on the selection of open source #869
Saving multiple capabilities error #858
GET contributions returns 401 for unpublished contributions. #826
Warning in Logs Building Block. #881
Editing multiple talent and capabilities. #883
Contributor editing for person and organization. #888
Fix the Jinja version. #893
You can’t perform that action at this time.