API definitions of the Rokwire Platform building blocks
There are several ways to view API design and document using Swagger:
Go to Swagger UI demo page and paste Rokwire API YAML file URL there.
Sign up a free account at SwaggerHub and create new API by importing your copy of rokwire.yaml file.
Get swagger docker image, for example
docker pull swaggerapi/swagger-ui
Run docker image locally by executing command like
docker run -p 80:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/foo/rokwire.yaml -v /rokwire_yaml_local_dir/:/foo -e BASE_URL=/docs swaggerapi/swagger-ui
Then access the API doc at http://localhost/docs.
Create Rokwire Platform API Docker image using instructions in section
Docker / AWS ECR
and run:docker run -p 80:8080 rokwire/api-doc
Then access the API doc at http://localhost/docs.
Create Docker image for Rokwire Platform API and push to AWS ECR for deployment using Fargate from within AWS CLI:
docker build -t rokwire/api-doc .
docker tag rokwire/api-doc:latest 779619664536.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/rokwire/api-doc:latest
docker push 779619664536.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/rokwire/api-doc:latest
Deploy api doc to AWS instance (created with Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS image)
cd /home/ubuntu git clone https://github.com/rokwire/rokwire-building-blocks-api.git
Start docker container on AWS instance
Make sure one of the security groups that the instance associated with, includes inbound rule accepting http requests from port 80 and 8080.
cd /home/ubuntu/rokwire-building-blocks/deployment sh start_rokwire_apidoc_container.sh
Stop and remove docker container on AWS instance
cd /home/ubuntu/rokwire-building-blocks/deployment sh stop_rokwire_apidoc_container.sh