Releases: ros-industrial/easy_manipulation_deployment
Releases · ros-industrial/easy_manipulation_deployment
This release includes bug fixes to the EMD Grasp Planner and Grasp Executor, as well as supporting the latest EPD Object Tracking functionalities.
- Fixed bug that triggers Grasp Execution when no grasp plans found.
- Added a clearing and repopulating method in Grasp Planner for end effector to prevent retaining of past information
- Fixed inconsistencies in Grasp Planner Rotation by adding additional configuration parameters to file to specify end effector tf alignments
- Fixed initial point generation for finger grasp samples in Grasp Planner to account for object axis vector
- Added quick dimension and pose fix to ensure grasp object collision shape is properly formed for grasp execution.
- Added EPD Tracking output support to Grasp Planner
- Added Service based communication between EPD and EMD Grasp Planner
- Removed epd_msgs as a required dependency for EMD, and removed epd_msgs from main repository.
- Updated MoveItCppPtr namespace from
for Moveit 2.2.0 due to deprecation notice - Fix for ignoring links
- Separate
from execution in ds_async_executor - Overhaul several scheduler bugs
- Use chrono instead of rclcpp::time
Glenn Tan, Chen Bainian, Wong Wen Kang, Khairul Amin
This Final-Release Candidate houses all new major features and the following changes:
- Changed Grasp Planner methodology to implement a different mathematical approach.
- Restructured Grasp Planner libraries to Grasp Object, End Effector, and Grasp Scene for clear separation of different required functions.
- Converted from using depth images to using Point Clouds to provide more information about the grasp area, using the Point Cloud Library
- Added support for collision detection using the Flexible Collision Library.
- Added methods to generate multifinger gripper and suction cup array grasp samples.
- Added a more comprehensive configuration file for grasp planner to account for multifinger/suction array support, and point cloud support.
- Added Ranking Algorithm that supports Multifinger gripper and suction cup array for Grasp Planner support.
- Added unit tests for all added features for grasp planner.
- Removed all documentation to a separate repository (Both doxygen and sphinx).
- Add in grasp_execution workcell context parameterization.
- Temporary fix for MoveIt2 Execution timeout problem.
- Switch to ROS2 Service Based Communication Between Grasp Execution and Grasp Planner to prevent execution interruption and grasping of repeated objects.
- Fix speed changing problem.
- Experimental Moveit2 octomap integration.
- Added dynamic safety Executor plugin and update controller to latest.
- Amended grasp_execution.rviz file to include grasp_markers and pointcloud topics.
- Move grasp_execution inside easy_manipulation_deployment folder.
- Add initial grasp_execution package.
Glenn Tan, Chen Bainian, Khairul Amin, Chia Tse En