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Rob Woolley edited this page Jan 20, 2025 · 1 revision

Here is a list of mini-projects that would be very helpful to the group. They are a great way to learn and get involved. Please reach out to Rob Woolley if you have any questions or are looking for ideas on how to get started.



  • Look in the common layers for recipes that need upreving (eg. meta-ros/meta-/recipes-//.bb)


  • Figure out how to add the SPDX attribute to the packages.xml file (according to schema) and have it detected by superflore
  • Build a desktop for OE (Xfce? LxQt?) and get the GUI tools (Rviz, Gazebo, etc running)

Community Advocacy / Conferences

  • Build a robot demo for the OpenEmbedded booth
  • Research the work done by Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) to integrate with meta-ros
  • Investigate work being done by SpaceROS and how to create a SpaceROS image with meta-ros
  • Create a 1-day beginning workshop for the OSS Summit on using ROS and OE
  • Go through the ROS Tutorials with the SDK


  • Investigate VSCode extensions useful to ROS
  • Investigate using ROS devcontainers and/or Rocker for development
  • Investigate how to containerize ROS nodes and create container images using OE
    • Try running OE containers on other hosts (eg Ubuntu and Debian)
  • Figure out why ros-default-runtime and rosidl-adapter packages need to be explicitly added
  • Attempt to build ROS Noetic and ROS 2 (Humble?) side-by-side in one image