This repository contains programming assignments for Coursera's "Algorithms", offered by Princeton University. Each folder is associated with a single week's programming assignment and contains an Intellij IDEA project. The original project was downloaded from the course website, and the required classes were created and according to the specifications.
Week | Name | Date Completed | Final Score | Notes |
1 | Percolation | 29/9/2018 | 94 | Would need to correct "backwash" to obtain 100 |
2 | Deques and Randomized Queues | 14/10/2018 | 100 | Failed to pass 2 memory tests but still obtained 100 |
3 | Collinear Points | 01/11/2018 | 99 | Failed one test; duplicates for BruteCollinear. This would be an easy fix. Subjectively, code is not well written and could be much better written. |
4 | 8 Puzzle | 12/11/2018 | 99 | Failed to throw an exception (since corrected) and failed a few timing tests, all on puzzle39.txt |
5 | Kd-Trees | 12/12/2018 | 100 |
Week | Name | Date Complete | Final Score | Notes |
1 | Wordnet | In Progress | TBD |