A light weight, scalable, python daemon that automatically mounts remote servers on login, and keeps them mounted. macmounter can be used for any protocol, sshfs, samba, afp, ftp, ntfs, webdav etc.
In its current state it is written to run as a service on OS X (10.9+) out of the box, but it, should be portable to any system that runs python 2.7.X. I have no plans to port it anywhere else at this time.
This tool is completely command line driven and is not moron friendly. For g33ks, it is a two step install, and a one step configuration per server. The logs are very verbose and should indicate any issues.
git clone https://github.com/roubles/macmounter.git
cd macmounter
sudo ./install.sh
Add config files in the directory ~/.macmounter/
A simple config file looks like:
$ cat example.conf
MOUNT_TEST_CMD=ls -l /Users/roubles/somelocalfolder/
PING_CMD=/sbin/ping -q -c3 -o example.com
PRE_MOUNT_CMD=/bin/mkdir -p /Users/roubles/somelocalfolder/
MOUNT_CMD=/usr/local/bin/sshfs [email protected]:/someremotefolder /Users/roubles/somelocalfolder/ -oauto_cache,reconnect,volname=example
FOUND_MOUNT_CMD=/bin/echo "" | /usr/bin/mail -s "mounted example.com!" [email protected]
MOUNT_TEST_CMD=ls -l /Volumes/someotherfolder && /sbin/mount | grep -q someotherfolder
PING_CMD=/sbin/ping -q -c3 -o anotherexample.com
PRE_MOUNT_CMD=/sbin/umount -f /Volumes/someotherfolder; /bin/mkdir -p /Volumes/someotherfolder
MOUNT_CMD=/sbin/mount -t smbfs "//roubles:[email protected]/someotherremotefolder" /Volumes/someotherfolder
FOUND_MOUNT_CMD=/bin/echo "" | /usr/bin/mail -s "mounted anotherexample.com!" [email protected]
But, it can be simpler. The simplest config only needs to specify MOUNT_CMD, though this may be inefficient.
MOUNT_CMD=/usr/local/bin/sshfs [email protected]:/someremotefolder /Users/prmehta/somelocalfolder/ -oauto_cache,reconnect,volname=auto
MOUNT_CMD=/sbin/mount -t smbfs //roubles:[email protected]/someotherremotefolder /Volumes/someotherfolder
The macmounter service should start when it is installed.
The macmounter service starts everytime you login, and dies everytime you log off.
You can manually startup macmounter using the commandline:
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.irouble.macmounter.plist
or, logout and log back in.
There may be instances where you don't want to wait for macmounters timers to kick in to perform mounts. For this,you can force it to re-attempt all mounts instantly by running:
$ macmounter.py --reload
Detailed logs can be found here: ~/Library/Application Support/macmounter/macmounter.log
Tail ~/Library/Application Support/macmounter/macmounter.log, it is very informative.
I find these bash aliases handy:
alias tailmmlogs='tail -f ~/Library/Application\ Support/macmounter/macmounter.log'
alias vimmlogs='vi ~/Library/Application\ Support/macmounter/macmounter.log'
A basic configuration example that should get you started can be found here.
It is prudent to test if the mount is active and functioning before blindly remounting. These examples show the various options for testing mounts.
This is pretty straight forward, just add a section for each mount. [These examples] (https://github.com/roubles/macmounter/wiki/Mounting-multiple-folders-from-the-same-server) show examples.
Sometimes NAS boxes go to sleep when idle. These examples show the various options for waking up remote drives on the LAN.
If your mount test fails, it is very likely that the mount is in a weird state. It is recommended that you force an unmount before trying to remount. These examples show the various options for unmounting before remounting.
Sometimes it is desirable to run commands on success or failure. One good reason is to notify someone of the success or failure. These examples show the various options of running commands on success or failure.
macmounter by default uses a five minute timer to retry for every case. However, it is written to be very configurable, and you can fine tune the retry time for pretty much every state. These examples show the various options for fine tuning the retry timers per state.
This is a full list of example configs.
It is not recommended to store your password in cleartext in the config files. macmounter provides simple shell scripts to use OSX's keychain to store passwords. More information is here.
More detailed documentation can be found on the wiki here.
cd macmounter
sudo ./uninstall.sh