OptimalOpenHashMap is a Java implementation of a hash map using open addressing with linear probing. This implementation is inspired by the paper "Optimal Bounds for Open Addressing Without Reordering" by Martín Farach-Colton, Andrew Krapivin, and William Kuszmaul (2025).
- High Load Factor: Could/should work with a load factor up to >0.9, having good memory utilization.
- Lazy Deletion: Employs tombstones for deletions, with periodic cleanup when tombstones exceed a defined threshold.
- Performance: Demonstrates competitive performance compared to Java's standard
, slightly worse in the JMH benchmark.
This is just an example implementation, it is not fully tested and will probably fail on edge cases.
Don't use in production code.
I'm not following the paper to every detail, I'm trying to keep the code performant as well. There are quite a few tweaks to try and pieces of code to optimize left.
implements Map<K, V>
so it could be used as a drop-in replacement for most current HashMap's, but: Don't. Just don't use it.
Again, no rigorous performance testing has been done, apart from a very simple comparison with inserts/retrieval/deletions.
Benchmark (mapType) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
JMHBenchmark.get JDK thrpt 3 184,710 ± 262,495 ops/s
JMHBenchmark.get OPTIMAL thrpt 3 126,351 ± 22,330 ops/s
JMHBenchmark.get LINEAR thrpt 3 60,854 ± 26,275 ops/s
JMHBenchmark.put JDK thrpt 3 16,162 ± 6,293 ops/s
JMHBenchmark.put OPTIMAL thrpt 3 13,890 ± 2,262 ops/s
JMHBenchmark.put LINEAR thrpt 3 4,883 ± 0,382 ops/s
JMHBenchmark.remove JDK thrpt 3 16,452 ± 7,423 ops/s
JMHBenchmark.remove OPTIMAL thrpt 3 13,950 ± 3,428 ops/s
JMHBenchmark.remove LINEAR thrpt 3 4,987 ± 0,303 ops/s
These results indicate that OptimalOpenHashMap
might be a viable option (compared to my simple linear implementation), however currently it is still slower across the board.
Remember though that HashMap has been tweaked and optimized over years and years, this is barely working.
If you're interested in hash table implementations or have insights on optimizing open addressing strategies, your contributions to this project would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to fork the repository, experiment with the code, and submit pull requests with improvements or new features.
I've played around with alternative deletion algorithms, including a nifty base-2 backward‑shift deletion, but that made the performance much worse.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.