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Here we have a non-official module to use the Poloniex Exchange API with python 3. Any questions about the API check out the official documentation at Our code uses aiohttp and asyncio libraries in order to interact with the exchange server.

Poloniex provides both HTTP and websocket APIs for interacting with the exchange. Both allow read access to public market data and private read access to your account. Private write access to your account is available via the private HTTP API.

The public HTTP endpoint is accessed via GET requests while the private endpoint is accessed via HMAC-SHA512 signed POST requests using API keys. Both types of HTTP endpoints return results in JSON format.

The websocket API allows push notifications about the public order books, lend books and your private account. Similarly to the HTTP API, it requires HMAC-SHA512 signed requests using API keys for requests related to your private account.

Get starting

It is recommended to touch a that contains your Poloniex credentials as follows:


Importing the Poloniex class in your code:

from poloniex_api import poloniex
import key


The 'poloniex' class is the object that connects you to Poloniex's server as a client. Its initial parameters are your credentials in exchange: apikey and secret.

First of all make the following client assignment:

client = poloniex(key.apikey, key.secret)

Any method is called following the format:


From now on we have all the methods described, exemplified, and ordered as the summary:

Public HTTP methods

These methods work without signature, i.e. the Poloniex credentials are NOT mandatory.

  • The base endpoint is:
  • Endpoint returns JSON object.
  • All methods can return either JSON object, or array, or float.


Retrieves summary information for each symbol listed on the exchange.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol No
field No
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.
  • field can be filled with id, last, lowestAsk, highestBid, percentChange, baseVolume, quoteVolume, isFrozen, high24hr, and low24hr.


client.rTicker('BTC_LTC', 'last')

24h volume

Returns the 24-hour volume for all markets as well as totals for primary currencies.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol No
currency No
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.
  • currency refers to currency or asset from a given symbol.


client.r24hVolume('BTC_LTC', 'LTC')

Order book

Returns the order book for a given market, as well as a sequence number used by websockets for synchronization of book updates and an indicator specifying whether the market is frozen.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
depth Yes
field No
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.
  • depth means the amount of asks and bids in response. Its maximum value is 100. Note: Consider using the Websocket API over HTTP if you are looking for fresh and full order book depth.
  • field can be filled with asks, bids, isFrozen, and seq.
  • symbol and depth are mandatory following the API, however here the default value for both are, respectively, all and 50.


client.rOrderBook('BTC_LTC', 4, 'asks')

Market trade history

Returns the past 200 trades for a given market.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.



Chart data

Returns candlestick chart data. start and end are given as YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR:MINUTES:SECONDS.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
start Yes
period Yes
end No
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.
  • start of the window.
  • end of the window.
  • period refers to candlestick period in seconds. Valid values are 300, 900, 1800, 7200, 14400, and 86400.


client.rChartData('BTC_LTC', '2019-08-18 18:45:00', 300)


Returns information about currencies.

Parameter Mandatory
currency No
field No
  • currency refers to abbreviation of a given asset name. For instance BTC is the abbreviation of Bitcoin.
  • field can be filled with id, name, txFee, minConf, depositAddress, disabled, delisted, frozen, and isGeofenced


client.rCurrencies('BTC', 'txFee')

Loan orders

Returns the list of loan offers and demands for a given currency.

Parameter Mandatory
currency Yes
field No
  • currency refers to abbreviation of a given asset name. For instance BTC is the abbreviation of Bitcoin.
  • field can be filled with offers and demands



Private HTTP methods

These methods need signature, i.e. the Poloniex credentials are mandatory.


Returns all of your balances available for trade after having deducted all open orders.

Parameter Mandatory
currency No
  • currency refers to abbreviation of a given asset name. For instance BTC is the abbreviation of Bitcoin.



Complete balances

Returns all of your balances, including available balance, balance on orders, and the estimated BTC value of your balance.

Parameter Mandatory
currency No
field No
  • currency refers to abbreviation of a given asset name. For instance BTC is the abbreviation of Bitcoin.
  • field can be filled with available,onOrders, and btcValue.


client.rCompleteBalances('BTC', 'available')

Open orders

Returns your open orders for a given market.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC. Note: symbol is mandatory following the API, however here the default value is all.



Trade history

Returns your trade history for a given market. start and end are given as YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR:MINUTES:SECONDS.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
start No
end No
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC. Note: symbol is mandatory following the API, however here the default value is all.
  • start of time window.
  • end of time window.
  • The range between start and end is limited to one day.



Limit buy

Places a limit buy order in a given market. If successful, the method will return the order number.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
rate Yes
amount Yes
fok No
ioc No
po No
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.
  • The rate to purchase the ASSET in CURRENCY units as definition of symbol above.
  • Total amount of the ASSET units as definition of symbol above.
  • fok (fill or kill) -- if this order should either fill in its entirety or be completely aborted.
  • ioc (immediate or cancel) -- if this order can be partially or completely filled, but any portion of the order that cannot be filled immediately will be canceled.
  • po (post only) -- if you want this buy order to only be placed if no portion of it fills immediately.


client.limitBuy('BTC_LTC', '0.00685070', '32.6', ioc=True)

Limit sell

Places a limit sell order in a given market. If successful, the method will return the order number.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
rate Yes
amount Yes
fok No
ioc No
po No
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.
  • The rate to purchase the ASSET in CURRENCY units as definition of symbol above.
  • Total amount of the ASSET units as definition of symbol above.
  • fok (fill or kill) -- if this order should either fill in its entirety or be completely aborted.
  • ioc (immediate or cancel) -- if this order can be partially or completely filled, but any portion of the order that cannot be filled immediately will be canceled.
  • po (post only) -- if you want this buy order to only be placed if no portion of it fills immediately.


client.limitSell('BTC_LTC', '0.00685070', '12.6')

Market buy

The Poloniex REST API has not market orders from default. So this method is a limit buy order which emulates a market buy order.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
amount Yes
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.
  • The rate to purchase the ASSET in CURRENCY units as definition of symbol above.
  • Total amount of the ASSET units as definition of symbol above.


client.marketBuy('BTC_LTC', '23.4432')

Market sell

The Poloniex REST API has not market orders from default. So this method is a limit sell order which emulates a market sell order.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
amount Yes
  • Each symbol in Poloniex is written in capital letters as CURRENCY_ASSET. For instance BTC_LTC, BTC is used as currency to buy a given asset, LTC.
  • The rate to purchase the ASSET in CURRENCY units as definition of symbol above.
  • Total amount of the ASSET units as definition of symbol above.


client.marketSell('BTC_LTC', '120.12334')

Cancel order

Cancels an order you have placed in a given market. If successful, the method will return a success of 1.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol Yes
order_number Yes
  • symbol of a given market written is capital letters.
  • order_number is the identity number of the order to be canceled.



Cancel all orders

Cancels all open orders in a given market or, if no market is provided, all open orders in all markets. If successful, the method will return a success of 1 along with a json array of orderNumbers representing the orders that were canceled. Please note that cancelAllOrders can only be called 1 time per 2 minutes.

Parameter Mandatory
symbol No
  • symbol of a given market written in capital letters.




Immediately places a withdrawal for a given currency, with no email confirmation. In order to use this method, withdrawal privilege must be enabled for your API key.

Parameter Mandatory
currency Yes
amount Yes
address Yes
payment_id No
currency_to_withdraw_as No
  • currency refers to abbreviation of a given asset name, e.g. BTC is the abbreviation of Bitcoin.
  • Total amount of the currency units to withdraw.
  • Your wallet address.
  • For withdrawals which support payment IDs, (such as XMR) you may optionally specify payment_id.
  • For currencies where there are multiple networks to choose from you need to specify the param: currency_to_withdraw_as. For USDT use currency_to_withdraw_as=USDTTRON or USDTETH. The default for USDT is Omni which is used if currency_to_withdraw_as is not specified.


client.withdraw('USDT', '456.54', 'TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t', currency_to_withdraw_as='USDTTRON')

Deposit address

Coming soon.

Generate new addresses

Coming soon.

Deposits and withdraws history

Coming soon.

Websocket methods

  • The base endpoint is: wss:// Coming soon.


  • Bitcoin (BTC): bc1qe49xvnvgp2qey833ut3qgdv2nltg2xhnv2p6tl
  • Decred (DCR): DsWrvibjbh8x8RWdH3CSnsEmD52mi6WxvR6
  • DASH: XryxxDNdykosJX5MkNLw9Q5rBVPkNHjmDS


Module to use the Poliniex Exchange API with python.







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