This is a web application written in Django used to serve as a basis for a collaborative wedding album web app.
Go ahead and clone this repo in order to get the content.
$ git clone
To start with this application, you will only need the following:
- python3
- pip3
Other dependencies will be installed by pip3 in the next section.
Before starting the server, you'll need to install all the dependencies and preconfigure your environment variables.
Installing Dependencies
To install the project dependencies, move to the project folder and run:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Environment Variables
This project contains an example of environment file named '.env.example', go ahead and change the values to the ones matching your needs, then change its name to '.env' (the project won't run if you skip this step).
Applying Migrations
NOTE: Before proceeding, please go to image_gallery/website/migrations/ and delete any files or folders other than the (atention: the file MUST remain there).
After configuring your environment variables, go ahead and apply the migrations to your database.
$ ./ makemigrations $ ./ migrate
Starting the development server
Now that you've done all the pre-configuration needed, go ahead and run the command bellow from the folder containing the file:
$ ./ runserver
After following the steps above, you should see the screen bellow on your localhost (
Now that your app is up and running, stop the development server and let's start configuring the manager users (the users representing the couple who just married).
Create a superuser
If you haven't done so yet, go ahead and create a superuser so you can have access to the admin section.
$ ./ createsuperuser
Create the manager group & users
Now that you have created a superuser, start the development server again and log into the admin section (localhost:8000/admin). Once logged in, click the "+add" button under the AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION container in order to create a new Group. Give it the name 'manager' (without the quotes, all lowercase) and leave the rest as it is, then save.
Now let's create the managers. Go ahead and create two new users from the admin interface. Once created, go and edit each of them to make sure the following is true:
- The user's username and email must be the same
- The user should have the First Name & Last Name fields set
- The user should be assigned to the manager group
Logout from Admin
- With the managers created, log out from the admin and start using the application with the managers account.
After these steps, your application should be ready for use. The users you just created (managers) represent the married couple: they can approve/refuse photos uploaded by other users and accept/deny new users requests.
Friends from the couple can request access by clicking button next to the login button in the landing page. Once requested, it will be unactive (meaning they can't log in) until a decision is taken by the managers.
Managers: To accept/deny a new user, click on your name (right side of the navbar), then click the Approve Users button to be taken to the users approval section.
Note: When someone requests access, there is a message saying that an email will be sent if the managers accept their request. That is NOT implemented. That is for you to implement (UserApprovalView) based on your preferred SMTP module. Bellow is a link to the django docs.
Managers can search their friends (other users) by their names to see which photos they uploaded. The search bar is located in the navbar so they can search from all pages.
All users can upload images under the section My Uploads.
If the upload is made by a manager, the image status will automatically be set to Accepted (meaning it can be view under the Gallery section). Otherwise, the image status will be set to Pending and is up to the managers if they will accept or refuse it.
Note: All the photos are kept, even the ones refused. That is so the managers can accept a previously refused photo if they have a change of heart.
Managers: To change the status of an image, click on your name (right side of the navbar), then click the Approve Photos button to be taken to the photo approval section. There, you will be able to change the status of all uploaded photos.
The Gallery is the main section: all users have access to it and it shows all the approved photos.
- Users can like images here (hovering over an image will show the options to like and view in original size).
- Users can sort the images either by number of likes or by date taken. It is also possible to change the ordering (ascending/descending).
LARGE DATA SIMULATION: You might notice a little red button on the right side of the gallery page with the initials SLG (Simulate Large Data). That button is for development only, its purpose is to show how the gallery will behave with 100x the data it contains in the first page (if you uploaded 2 images and click this button, the first page of the gallery will show 200 images, 100 of each).
Finally, there is a basic profile section that allows the users to change their personal data and password.
- Rodolfo Queiroz - DjangoImageGallery
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details