The information and material (code, designs, files, ...) are provided "AS IS". We make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information or material. Use this at your own risk.
At the time of writing this driver is under active development, and is nowhere near ready for real-world usage
This an Arduino driver for Nordic's nPM1300 PMIC.
- Soft Reset (RESET)
- LED Driver (LEDDRV)
- System monitor
- System regulator (SYSREG)
- Battery Charger (CHARGER)
- Load switches (LOADSW)
- Events / Interupts
void setup() {
npm1300.led_set_mode(nPM1300::LED::LED0, nPM1300::LEDMode::ERROR);
npm1300.led_set_mode(nPM1300::LED::LED1, nPM1300::LEDMode::CHARGING);
npm1300.led_set_mode(nPM1300::LED::LED2, nPM1300::LEDMode::HOST);
npm1300.ignore_ntc(true); // mandatory, if you don't have a ntc connected!
pio run -t clean
pio run
pio run -t upload
Run all tests:
pio test
Run specific suite:
pio test --filter "test_monitor"
This library is being developed and tested for my custom nPM1300 breakout board:
However, There is nothing in this driver that would prevent it from working with the nPM1300 EK Evaluation Kit or other boards.
Battery charging is not working.
- By default, the nPM1300 expects an NTC to be present to measure battery temperature. If the battery does not have an NTC, you need to call
. Without this hardware setting, the nPM1300 charging will not work if there is no NTC!
- By default, the nPM1300 expects an NTC to be present to measure battery temperature. If the battery does not have an NTC, you need to call
The nPM1300 is not communicating over I2C when powered by battery.
- Depending on your setup, if you are testing this with an Arduino, you might need a common ground for I2C to work (connect the arduino GND with the nPM1300 circuit GND).
- https://forum.arduino.cc/t/common-ground-and-why-you-need-one/626215/13