All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
export_saft | GET /saft/exportSAFT | [BETA] Create SAF-T export for the Tripletex account. |
import_saft | POST /saft/importSAFT | [BETA] Import SAF-T. Send XML file as multipart form. |
String export_saft(year)
[BETA] Create SAF-T export for the Tripletex account.
# load the gem
require 'tripletex_ruby_client'
# setup authorization
# # Setup authorization - as autogenerated by swagger-codegen
# TripletexRubyClient.configure do |config|
# # Configure HTTP basic authorization: tokenAuthScheme
# config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
# config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
# end
# Setup authorization
TripletexRubyClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: tokenAuthScheme
config.consumer_token = ENV["TT_CONSUMER_TOKEN"]
config.employee_token = ENV["TT_EMPLOYEE_TOKEN"] = Rails.env.production? ? '' : ''
config.token_expiration_time = Rails.env.production? ? 1.month :
api_instance =
year = 56 # Integer | Year to export
#[BETA] Create SAF-T export for the Tripletex account.
result = api_instance.export_saft(year)
p result
rescue TripletexRubyClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling SaftApi->export_saft: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
year | Integer | Year to export |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/octet-stream
import_saft(saft_file, mapping_file, import_customer_vendors, create_missing_accounts, import_start_balance_from_opening, import_start_balance_from_closing, import_vouchers, import_departments, import_projects, tripletex_generates_customer_numbers, create_customer_ib, update_account_names, create_vendor_ib, override_voucher_date_on_discrepancy, overwrite_customers_contacts, only_active_customers, only_active_accounts, update_start_balance)
[BETA] Import SAF-T. Send XML file as multipart form.
# load the gem
require 'tripletex_ruby_client'
# setup authorization
# # Setup authorization - as autogenerated by swagger-codegen
# TripletexRubyClient.configure do |config|
# # Configure HTTP basic authorization: tokenAuthScheme
# config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
# config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
# end
# Setup authorization
TripletexRubyClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: tokenAuthScheme
config.consumer_token = ENV["TT_CONSUMER_TOKEN"]
config.employee_token = ENV["TT_EMPLOYEE_TOKEN"] = Rails.env.production? ? '' : ''
config.token_expiration_time = Rails.env.production? ? 1.month :
api_instance =
saft_file ='/path/to/file.txt') # File | The SAF-T file (XML)
mapping_file ='/path/to/file.txt') # File | Mapping of chart of accounts (Excel). See
import_customer_vendors = true # BOOLEAN | Create customers and suppliers
create_missing_accounts = true # BOOLEAN | Create new accounts
import_start_balance_from_opening = true # BOOLEAN | Create an opening balance from the import file's starting balance.
import_start_balance_from_closing = true # BOOLEAN | Create an opening balance from the import file's outgoing balance.
import_vouchers = true # BOOLEAN | Create vouchers
import_departments = true # BOOLEAN | Create departments
import_projects = true # BOOLEAN | Create projects
tripletex_generates_customer_numbers = true # BOOLEAN | Let Tripletex create customer and supplier numbers and ignore the numbers in the import file.
create_customer_ib = true # BOOLEAN | Create an opening balance on accounts receivable from customers
update_account_names = true # BOOLEAN | Overwrite existing names on accounts
create_vendor_ib = true # BOOLEAN | Create an opening balance on accounts payable
override_voucher_date_on_discrepancy = true # BOOLEAN | Overwrite transaction date on period discrepancies.
overwrite_customers_contacts = true # BOOLEAN | Overwrite existing customers/contacts
only_active_customers = true # BOOLEAN | Only active customers
only_active_accounts = true # BOOLEAN | Only active accounts
update_start_balance = true # BOOLEAN | Update the opening balance of main ledger accounts from the import file by import before the opening balance.
#[BETA] Import SAF-T. Send XML file as multipart form.
api_instance.import_saft(saft_file, mapping_file, import_customer_vendors, create_missing_accounts, import_start_balance_from_opening, import_start_balance_from_closing, import_vouchers, import_departments, import_projects, tripletex_generates_customer_numbers, create_customer_ib, update_account_names, create_vendor_ib, override_voucher_date_on_discrepancy, overwrite_customers_contacts, only_active_customers, only_active_accounts, update_start_balance)
rescue TripletexRubyClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling SaftApi->import_saft: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
saft_file | File | The SAF-T file (XML) | |
mapping_file | File | Mapping of chart of accounts (Excel). See | |
import_customer_vendors | BOOLEAN | Create customers and suppliers | |
create_missing_accounts | BOOLEAN | Create new accounts | |
import_start_balance_from_opening | BOOLEAN | Create an opening balance from the import file's starting balance. | |
import_start_balance_from_closing | BOOLEAN | Create an opening balance from the import file's outgoing balance. | |
import_vouchers | BOOLEAN | Create vouchers | |
import_departments | BOOLEAN | Create departments | |
import_projects | BOOLEAN | Create projects | |
tripletex_generates_customer_numbers | BOOLEAN | Let Tripletex create customer and supplier numbers and ignore the numbers in the import file. | |
create_customer_ib | BOOLEAN | Create an opening balance on accounts receivable from customers | |
update_account_names | BOOLEAN | Overwrite existing names on accounts | |
create_vendor_ib | BOOLEAN | Create an opening balance on accounts payable | |
override_voucher_date_on_discrepancy | BOOLEAN | Overwrite transaction date on period discrepancies. | |
overwrite_customers_contacts | BOOLEAN | Overwrite existing customers/contacts | |
only_active_customers | BOOLEAN | Only active customers | |
only_active_accounts | BOOLEAN | Only active accounts | |
update_start_balance | BOOLEAN | Update the opening balance of main ledger accounts from the import file by import before the opening balance. |
nil (empty response body)
- Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Accept: Not defined