This repository contains dotfiles and scripts that I use to customize my macOS/Linux development workflow. Feel free to use this as a reference for your own setup.
- Installs Oh-My-Zsh by default
- Comprehensive git aliases for daily use
- Customized oh-my-zsh settings
- Automated setup script
- macOS (10.15+)
- Linux (Ubuntu 20.04+, Fedora 33+)
- Zsh
- Git
- Homebrew (macOS)
- curl
- Custom Oh-My-Zsh theme configuration
- Key plugins:
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- git
- docker
→git pull
→git push
- Custom commit and branch management shortcuts
Warning: Do not blindly use these settings as they may override or modify your existing configuration. It is highly recommended to clone/fork this repository to another folder. Use at your own risk!
curl -L | bash
git clone $HOME/dotfiles
cd $HOME/dotfiles
chmod a+x
# Set up Git Hooks
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
chmod +x .githooks/post-push
This repository includes a post-push hook for automatically updating and committing the Brewfile:
- Located in
- Automatically runs
brew bundle dump
- Stages and commits Brewfile changes
- Requires manual activation after cloning
To enable the hook:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
chmod +x .githooks/post-push
I welcome any feedback or suggestions by creating an issue or a pull request.
This code is available under the MIT License