Drive a VEX robot from an iPhone!
- The Rasberry Pi creates a Wifi network from a VEX robot
- The iPhone connects and sends acceleromter data to the Pi
- The Pi forwards the data to the VEX Cortex through its serial port
- The VEX Cortex recieves the data and controls the motors
Rasberry Pi
[Arch Linux] (
[PySerial] ( (Linux: "pacman install python2-pyserial")
[Hostapd] ( (Linux: "pacman install hostapd")
[Cocos2D 2.1] ( included
[CocoaAsyncUdpSocket] ( included
Vex Cortex
[EasyC v4] (
Compatible wirless adapter
Note: Use a static IP address on the iPhone to connect it to the Pi's wifi network