REACT based site to show world Best Investors - their portfolio and recent activities, also you can view basic updated inormation about their stocks.
- Portfolio data
- Recent activites
- Stocks data
- Authentication with firebase auth
- Watchlist
You can check the live demo at - Value Investors.
- Context API
- Firebase to use firestore and auth.
- react-router-dom for routing.
- Styled components for styling.
- MUI for prefixed components.
- AXIOS for http requests.
- Chart.js for data presention.
This project was a real breaking point in my development journey, I have learnd to work with new technologies such as firebase (firestore and auth), Styled components and MUI to make builidng basic and complex components easier. I have also learned and used context api for better state manangemt and avoid props and state drilling. I am sure this project will help me to improve and continue to write better code.