Workout tracker is a free to use mobile oriented (but desktop friendly as well) site for you to track your gym workouts and keep track on your progress.
- Log workouts from to the system with many built in exercises to choose from.
- Workouts stats and 1RM calculation.
- Progress chart that will show you the progress you have made in an easy way.
- Muscle groups suggestions based on your latest workouts - so you will never skip leg day 😉.
- Calendar for easy view of your workouts this month.
- Redo feature for easy re-log of a succsesful workout.
- ReactJS - for the client side.
- Recoil - for better state managnent.
- Styled Components - for reuseable and logical styling.
- Chart.js - for slik looking charts.
- Swiper.js - for mobile experience.
- Material UI - for some of the components.
- Node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework.
- Moogoose - for arranged mongoDB collections.