'pic_url' : 'https://sandaruwan-img-host.pages.dev/88976667.png', #https://imgbb.com/ host the image on this website and enter the URL here as in the example
'TOKEN' : 'Enter_You_BOT_TOKEN', #Enter the bot token here
'bot_name': '🈹 Big Boss', #Enter a name of your choice for the bot.
'channel_id':'CHANNEL_ID', #Enter the ID of the channel you created
'alive_msg':'Hi I Am Alive',
'menu_name':'🈹 Big Menu'
'Local_Run': False, #Set this to true if deploying locally.
You need to download Python to your computer Download
git clone https://github.com/sahansandaruwan/bigboss.git
cd bigboss
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py
This should include the token of your Discord Bot. readmore
Enter your discord channel ID number here. readmore
Plugin | Work |
Youtube Search | ✅ |
Google Search | ✅ |
Discord Text Markdown | ✅ |
Text Spam | ✅ |
Random Image | ✅ |
Random Quote | ✅ |
Discord Server Status | ✅ |
Local deployment | ✅ |
Digital Ocean Deploy | ✅ |
Config | ✅ |
Embed message | ✅ |
Tagall | ✅ |
Bot Maintenance | ❌ |
Since | 2023/02/15 |
Can Template Use? | Use |
Sahan Sandaruwan |
Developer |