A clean and elegant blog theme for Zola. Linkita is based on Kita and Hugo-Paper and is multilingual and SEO friendly.
- The source code is available on Codeberg and mirrored on GitHub.
- For discussion, join the Matrix chat room.
- Open bug reports and feature requests on Codeberg.
- See demo source code and screenshots for light mode and dark mode.
- Live preview in:
- Easy to use and modify
- No preset limits
- Inject support
- Dark mode
- Responsive design
- Social icons
- Taxonomies support
- Projects page
- Archive page
- Table of Content
- Admonition shortcode
- SEO friendly
- Comments using Giscus
- Mathematical notations using KaTeX
- Diagrams and charts using Mermaid
- Multilingual support
- Search support (elasticlunr_javascript)
- Improved search engine optimization
- Improved configurability
- Author profiles
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Add this theme as a submodule.
git submodule add https://codeberg.org/salif/linkita.git themes/linkita
Alternatively, clone the repository: git clone https://codeberg.org/salif/linkita.git themes/linkita
- Set
as your theme in yourconfig.toml
theme = "linkita"
To update the theme, run:
git submodule update --remote themes/linkita
Optionally, switch from the linkita
branch to the latest stable version:
cd themes/linkita
git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
Check the changelog for all versions after the one you are using; there may be breaking changes that require manual involvement.
All variables are optional. Set the ones you need.
title = ""
description = ""
# date =
# updated =
categories = []
tags = []
authors = []
# comment = true
# math = true
# mermaid = true
# image = ""
# alt = ""
title: ""
description: ""
# updated:
comment: false
math: false
mermaid: false
image: ""
alt: ""
# page_info = []
# Width of the cover image in pixels.
# (type: number; default value: uses `get_image_metadata()`;)
# width =
# Height of the cover image in pixels.
# (type: number; default value: uses `get_image_metadata()`;)
# height =
# When the article is out of date after. e.g. `2024-02-29`.
# (type: datetime; no default value;)
expiration_time =
# Describes the tier status for an article. e.g. `free`, `locked`, or `metered`.
# (type: string; no default value;)
content_tier = ""
# Defines the location to target for the article. e.g. `["county:COUNTY"]` or `["city:CITY,COUNTY"]`.
# (type: array of strings; no default value;)
locations = []
# A high-level section name. e.g. `Technology`.
# (type: string; no default value;)
section = ""
# Indicates whether the article is an opinion piece or not. e.g. `true` or `false`.
# (type: boolean; no default value;)
opinion =
# The URL for the audio.
# (type: string; no default value;)
audio = ""
# MIME type of the audio. e.g. `audio/vnd.facebook.bridge`, `audio/mpeg`.
# (type: string; no default value;)
audio_type = ""
# The URL for the video.
# (type: string; no default value;)
video = ""
# MIME type of the video. e.g. `application/x-shockwave-flash`, `video/mp4`.
# (type: string; no default value;)
video_type = ""
# Width of the video in pixels.
# (type: number; no default value;)
video_width =
# Height of the video in pixels.
# (type: number; no default value;)
video_height =
# Set only if different from canonical page URL.
# (type: string; default value: current_url;)
url = ""
# Set only if different from `page.updated`.
# (type: string; default value: page.updated;)
updated =
# Valid values are `always`, `hourly`, `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`, `yearly`, `never`.
# (type: string; no default value;)
changefreq =
# Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. The default priority of a page is 0.5.
# (type: string; no default value;)
priority =
Create content/_index.md
file in your blog and set extra.profile
to your username:
sort_by = "date"
paginate_by = 5
profile = "your_username"
Do it for each language in your blog.
For French, the file name is content/_index.fr.md
Add extra.profiles.author_username
table in your config.toml
file for each author in your blog.
Replace author_username
with author's username.
See Profiles.
Create content/pages/_index.md
file in your blog:
render = false
page_template = "pages.html"
Create content/pages/archive.md
file in your blog:
title = "Archive"
# description = ""
# path = "archive"
template = "archive.html"
section = "_index.md"
Create content/pages/about.md
file in your blog:
title = "About me"
# description = ""
# path = "about"
You don't need to set page.authors
in the frontmatter if you are the only author of the post.
Otherwise, set page.authors
authors = ["author_username"]
Useful if the blog has a team of several authors. If you choose this option you should set taxonomies in each page.
authors = ["author_username", "author2_username"]
You can easily use inject to add new features to your side without modifying the theme itself.
To use inject, you need to add some HTML files to the templates/injects
The available inject points are: head
, head_end
, header_nav
, body_start
, body_end
, page_start
, page_end
, footer
Action | Shortcut |
Home | Alt+! |
Search | Alt+/ |
Toggle menu | Alt++ |
Toggle dark mode | Alt+$ |
Go to prev page | Alt+, |
Go to next page | Alt+. |
Table of contents | Alt+= |
Skip to footer | Alt+_ |
Copy and paste the examples into your config.toml
and comment out the variables you don't use instead of setting empty values.
All variables are optional.
# The default language. (type: string;)
default_language = "en"
# The default author for pages. See `extra.profiles`. (type: string;)
author = "your_username"
# The site title. (type: string;)
title = ""
# The site description. (type: string;)
description = ""
# Automatically generate a feed. (type: boolean;)
generate_feeds = true
# The filenames to use for the feeds. (type: array of strings;)
feed_filenames = ["atom.xml"] # or ["rss.xml"]
# Build a search index from the pages and section content
# for `default_language`. (type: boolean;)
build_search_index = true
Taxonomies with translated names are tags
, categories
, and authors
name = "categories"
feed = true
paginate_by = 5
name = "tags"
feed = true
paginate_by = 5
name = "authors"
feed = true
paginate_by = 5
Add more languages ​​by replacing fr
from the example with the language code.
title = "Site title in French"
description = "Site description in French"
generate_feeds = true
feed_filenames = ["atom.xml"] # or ["rss.xml"]
build_search_index = true
taxonomies = [
{ name = "authors", feed = true, paginate_by = 5 }
# Enable KaTeX math formula support globally.
# (type: boolean; default value: `false`;)
math = false
# Enable Mermaid support globally.
# (type: boolean; default value: `false`;)
mermaid = false
# Enable comments globally.
# (type: boolean; default value: `false`;)
comment = false
# Title separator.
# (type: string; default value: ` | `;)
title_separator = " | "
# The top menu. See `extra.menus`.
# (type: string; no default value;)
header_menu_name = "menu_name"
# (type: boolean; default value: false;)
disable_default_favicon = false
# (type: boolean; default value: false;)
disable_javascript = false
# (type: boolean; default value: false;)
use_cdn = false
# You can reorder the strings, remove them, or replace them.
# For example, you can replace `site_title` with `home_button`.
# (type: array of strings; default value: `["site_title", "theme_button", "search_button", "translations_button"]`;)
# header_buttons = []
# Valid values:
# `date`, `date_on_page`, `date_on_paginator`,
# `date_updated, `date_updated_on_page, `date_updated_on_paginator`,
# `reading_time, `reading_time_on_page, `reading_time_on_paginator`,
# `word_count`, `word_count_on_page`, `word_count_on_paginator`,
# `authors`, `authors_on_page`, `authors_on_paginator`,
# `tags`, `tags_on_page`, `tags_on_paginator`.
# (type: array of strings; default value: `["date", "date_updated_on_page", "reading_time", "authors"]`;)
# page_info = []
# The custom background color. (type: string;)
bg_color = "#f4f4f5"
# The custom background color in dark mode. (type: string;)
bg_dark_color = "#18181b"
# Enable header blur. (type: boolean;)
header_blur = false
# The custom header color, only available
# when `header_blur` is false. (type: string;)
header_color = "#e4e4e7"
# The custom header color in dark mode, only available
# when `header_blur` is false. (type: string;)
header_dark_color = "#27272a"
[extra.menus] ,name=config.toml
menu_name = [
{url = "$BASE_URL/pages/archive/", name = "Archive"},
{url = "$BASE_URL/categories", name = "Categories"},
{url = "$BASE_URL/tags/", name = "Tags"},
{url = "$BASE_URL/pages/about/", name = "About"},
# Example multilingual menu.
multilingual_menu_name = [
{url = "$BASE_URL/pages/about/", names = {en = "About", fr = "About in French"} },
{url = "$BASE_URL/pages/projects/", names = {en = "Projects", fr = "Projects in French"} },
{url = "$BASE_URL/pages/archive/", names = {en = "Archive", fr = "Archive in French"} },
{url = "$BASE_URL/categories/", names = {en = "Categories", fr = "Categories in French"} },
{url = "$BASE_URL/tags/", names = {en = "Tags", fr = "Tags in French"} },
{url = "$BASE_URL/authors/", names = {en = "Authors", fr = "Authors in French"} },
To use a menu, set extra.header_menu_name
in url
will be automatically replaced with the language specific base url.
You can use names_i18n
instead of names
, see the static/i18n.json
set names_i18n
to a common_
# Replace `your_username` with your username.
# The URL of avatar.
# (type: string; no default value;)
avatar_url = "icons/github.svg"
# A description of what is in the avatar.
# (type: string; no default value;)
avatar_alt = ""
# Invert avatar color in dark mode.
# (type: boolean; default value: `false`;)
avatar_invert = false
# Profile name.
# (type: string; default value: the username;)
name = ""
# Profile bio.
# (type: string; supports markdown; no default value;)
bio = ""
# Profile email.
# (type: string; no default value;)
# email = ""
# Profile website.
# (type: string; no default value;)
# url = ""
# Social icons.
# The `name` should be the file name of `static/icons/*.svg` or the icon name of https://simpleicons.org/
# The `url` supports `$BASE_URL`.
# (type: array of tables; no default value;)
social = [
{ name = "github", url = "https://github.com/username" },
{ name = "bluesky", url = "https://bsky.app/profile/username" },
{ name = "rss", url = "$BASE_URL/atom.xml" },
# For French. Replace `your_username` with your username.
# Profile name.
# (type: string; default value: extra.profiles.your_username.url;)
name = ""
# Profile bio.
# (type: string; supports markdown; default value: extra.profiles.your_username.bio;)
bio = ""
# Profile website.
# (type: string; default value: extra.profiles.your_username.url;)
url = ""
# A description of what is in the avatar.
# (type: string; default avatar: extra.profiles.your_username.avatar_alt;)
avatar_alt = ""
# Replace `your_username` with your username.
# The URL of social image. (type: string; no default value;)
image = ""
# A description of what is in the social image. (type: string; default value: "";)
image_alt = ""
# Your first name. (type: string; no default value;)
first_name = ""
# Your last name. (type: string; no default value;)
last_name = ""
# Your username. (type: string; no default value;)
username = ""
# (type: string; no default value;)
gender = "" # "female" or "male"
# Set if you have a Fediverse account. (type: table; no default value;)
# handle - Your Fediverse handle. (type: string; no default value;)
# domain - Your Fediverse instance. (type: string; no default value;)
# url - Your Fediverse account URL. (type: string; optional;)
# Example for @[email protected]:
# fediverse_creator = { handle = "user", domain = "mastodon.social" }
and fb_admins
are only allowed in the default author's profile.
In addition, image
and image_alt
of the profile will be used as a
fallback open graph image for all pages.
# Replace `your_username` with your username.
# (type: string; no default value;)
fb_app_id = "Your fb app ID"
# (type: array of strings; no default value;)
fb_admins = ["YOUR_USER_ID"]
# For French. Replace `your_username` with your username.
# A description of what is in the social image.
# (type: string; default value: extra.profiles.your_username.open_graph.image_alt;)
image_alt = ""
# Replace with the correct year.
# (type: number; default value: current year;)
since = 2025
# Replace with the url of the license you want.
# (type: string; no default value; supports `$BASE_URL`;)
license_url = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed"
# Replace `Your Name` with your name and `CC BY-SA 4.0` with the name of the license you want
copyright = "© $YEAR Your Name | [CC BY-SA 4.0]($LICENSE_URL)"
# (type: string; no default value; supports `$BASE_URL`;)
# privacy_policy_url = "$BASE_URL/privacy-policy/"
# (type: string; no default value; supports `$BASE_URL`;)
# terms_of_service_url = "$BASE_URL/terms-of-service/"
# (type: string; no default value; supports `$BASE_URL`;)
# search_page_url = "$BASE_URL/search/"
Currently privacy_policy_url
, terms_of_service_url
, and search_page_url
are not shown.
Option copyright
supports Markdown and:
For date format, see chrono docs.
# For English
# (type: string; no default value;)
locale = "en_US"
# (type: string; default value: `%F`;)
date_format = "%x"
# (type: string; default value: `%m-%d`;)
date_format_archive = "%m-%d"
# (type: string; default value: extra.header_menu_name;)
# header_menu_name = "menu_name"
# (type: array of strings; default value: extra.header_buttons;)
# header_buttons = []
# IETF tag for artificial languages. (type: string; no default value;)
# language_code = "art-x-code"
# Taxonomy/term pages do not have a description by default.
# Optionally you can set a generic description. `$NAME` will be automatically replaced.
# taxonomy_list_description = "A map of all $NAME on this site. Start exploring!"
# taxonomy_single_description = "Browse articles related to $NAME. Start exploring!"
# For French
locale = "fr_FR"
date_format = "%x"
date_format_archive = "%m-%d"
Set only if you use GoatCounter.
# (type: string; no default value;)
endpoint = "https://MYCODE.goatcounter.com/count"
# (type: string; no default value;)
# noscript_prefix = ""
To enable pixel, set noscript_prefix
to an empty string.
If your base_url
includes a subpath, set noscript_prefix
to the subpath without a trailing slash.
Set only if you use Vercel Web Analytics.
# (type: string; no default value;)
src = "/_vercel/insights/script.js"
Open a page of your site, adding #disable-analytics
to the page address.
Do this once for each browser and device.
For example, open
See giscus.app.
Only available when extra.comment
in the frontmatter or extra.comment
in the config is set to true
# (type: string; no default value;)
repo = ""
# (type: string; no default value;)
repo_id = ""
# (type: string; no default value;)
category = ""
# (type: string; no default value;)
category_id = ""
# (type: string; default value: `pathname`)
mapping = "pathname"
# (type: number; default value: `1`)
strict = 1
# (type: number; default value: `0`)
reactions_enabled = 0
# (type: number; default value: `0`)
emit_metadata = 0
# (type: string; default value: `top`)
input_position = "top"
# (type: string; default value: `light`)
theme = "light"
# (type: string; default value: `en`)
lang = "en"
# (type: string; default value: `lazy`)
loading = "lazy"
See the MIT License file.
Pull requests are welcome on Codeberg and Github.
- Zola Themes Collection
- salif.eu: Personal website
If your blog uses Linkita and is open source, feel free to create a pull request to add it to this list.