A lightweight, customizable toast notification library that works seamlessly across React and Vue.
- Framework Support - Works with both React and Vue
- Customizable Positioning - Place toasts in any corner of the screen
- Beautiful Animations - Smooth enter/exit transitions with consistent behavior across frameworks
- Toast Types - Success, Error, and Info types with customizable styling
- Theme Support - Light, dark, and auto themes available
- Lightweight - < 5KB minified and gzipped
- Zero Dependencies - No bloat, just what you need
- TypeScript Support - Full type definitions included
Check out the live demo to see Cross-Toast in action.
# npm
npm install cross-toast
# yarn
yarn add cross-toast
# pnpm
pnpm add cross-toast
Cross Toast provides a simple, intuitive API for displaying toast notifications in your React applications.
The simplest way to use Cross Toast is with the toast function API:
import { toast } from 'cross-toast/react';
function App() {
const showToast = () => {
// Show a success toast with default options
toast.success('Operation successful!');
// Or show an error toast
toast.error('Something went wrong!');
// Or an info toast
toast.info('This is an informational message');
return <button onClick={showToast}>Show Toast</button>;
You can customize the toast by providing additional options:
import { toast } from 'cross-toast/react';
function App() {
const showCustomToast = () => {
toast.success('Operation successful!', {
position: 'top-right', // 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left'
duration: 5000, // Duration in milliseconds
theme: 'dark', // 'light', 'dark', or 'auto'
return <button onClick={showCustomToast}>Show Custom Toast</button>;
For more control, you can use the show
method directly:
import { toast } from 'cross-toast/react';
import type { ToastProps } from 'cross-toast/react';
function App() {
const showAdvancedToast = () => {
const id = toast.show({
message: 'This is a fully customized toast',
type: 'success', // 'success', 'error', or 'info'
position: 'bottom-left',
duration: 4000,
theme: 'auto',
onHide: () => console.log('Toast was hidden')
// You can dismiss the toast programmatically
// setTimeout(() => toast.dismiss(id), 2000);
const dismissAllToasts = () => {
return (
<button onClick={showAdvancedToast}>Show Advanced Toast</button>
<button onClick={dismissAllToasts}>Dismiss All Toasts</button>
If you need more control over the rendering process, you can still use the ReactToast
component directly:
import { ReactToast } from 'cross-toast/react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
function App() {
const showToast = () => {
// Create a mount element
const toastElement = document.createElement('div');
// Render the toast component
const root = createRoot(toastElement);
message="Operation successful!"
onHide={() => {
return <button onClick={showToast}>Show Toast</button>;
Cross Toast provides an equivalent API for Vue applications.
The simplest way to use Cross Toast is with the toast function API:
<button @click="showToast">Show Toast</button>
import { toast } from 'cross-toast/vue';
export default {
methods: {
showToast() {
// Show a success toast with default options
toast.success('Operation successful!');
// Or show an error toast
toast.error('Something went wrong!');
// Or an info toast
toast.info('This is an informational message');
You can customize the toast by providing additional options:
<button @click="showCustomToast">Show Custom Toast</button>
import { toast } from 'cross-toast/vue';
export default {
methods: {
showCustomToast() {
toast.success('Operation successful!', {
position: 'top-right', // 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left'
duration: 5000, // Duration in milliseconds
theme: 'dark', // 'light', 'dark', or 'auto'
For more control, you can use the show
method directly:
<button @click="showAdvancedToast">Show Advanced Toast</button>
<button @click="dismissAllToasts">Dismiss All Toasts</button>
import { toast } from 'cross-toast/vue';
export default {
methods: {
showAdvancedToast() {
const id = toast.show({
message: 'This is a fully customized toast',
type: 'success', // 'success', 'error', or 'info'
position: 'bottom-left',
duration: 4000,
theme: 'auto',
onHide: () => console.log('Toast was hidden')
// You can dismiss the toast programmatically
// setTimeout(() => toast.dismiss(id), 2000);
dismissAllToasts() {
If you need more control over the rendering process, you can still use the VueToast
component directly:
<button @click="showToast">Show Toast</button>
import { createApp, h } from 'vue';
import { VueToast } from 'cross-toast/vue';
export default {
methods: {
showToast() {
// Create a mount element
const mountEl = document.createElement('div');
// Create and mount the Vue app with the toast
const app = createApp({
render() {
return h(VueToast, {
message: 'Action completed!',
type: 'success',
position: 'bottom-left',
theme: 'light',
duration: 5000,
onHide: () => {
Cross-Toast renders toast notifications that automatically position themselves based on the position
prop. Each toast:
- Appears with a smooth entrance animation from the edge of the screen
- Stays visible for the specified duration
- Disappears with a smooth exit animation back to the edge
- Calls the
callback when it's removed
The toast component handles its own lifecycle and cleanup, so you don't need to worry about managing DOM elements or timers.
Cross-Toast uses CSS transitions for smooth and consistent animations:
- Entrance Animation: Toasts slide in from the edge of the screen (left or right depending on position)
- Exit Animation: Toasts slide out in the reverse direction when dismissed
- Timing: All animations use a consistent 300ms duration with a natural easing curve
- Framework Consistency: Both React and Vue implementations share the same animation behavior
Toasts can be positioned in any of the four corners of the screen:
: Appears in the top-left corner, slides in from the lefttop-right
: Appears in the top-right corner, slides in from the rightbottom-left
: Appears in the bottom-left corner, slides in from the leftbottom-right
: Appears in the bottom-right corner, slides in from the right (default)
Each position has its own entrance and exit animation direction to provide a natural feel.
Cross-Toast supports three theme options:
: Light theme with light backgrounds and dark textdark
: Dark theme with dark backgrounds and light textauto
: Automatically follows the user's system preference (default)
Cross-Toast comes with default styling that you can customize by overriding the CSS variables or classes.
You can customize the appearance by overriding these CSS variables:
:root {
--toast-bg: #ffffff;
--toast-text: #333333;
--toast-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
--toast-success: #4caf50;
--toast-error: #f44336;
--toast-info: #2196f3;
--toast-border-radius: 10px;
You can also target specific classes for more detailed customization:
/* Override container styles */
.toast-container {
max-width: 400px;
padding: 12px;
/* Override success type */
.toast-content.success {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #00c853, #00e676);
color: white;
/* Override error type */
.toast-content.error {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #d50000, #ff1744);
color: white;
/* Override info type */
.toast-content.info {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #0091ea, #00b0ff);
color: white;
Cross-Toast comes with full TypeScript definitions. The main types available are:
// Toast position options
type ToastPosition = 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
// Toast type options
type ToastType = 'success' | 'error' | 'info';
// Toast theme options
type ToastTheme = 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto';
// Toast base properties
interface ToastProps {
message: string;
type?: ToastType;
position?: ToastPosition;
duration?: number;
theme?: ToastTheme;
onHide?: () => void;
// Toast API interface
interface ToastAPI {
show: (props: ToastProps, theme?: ToastTheme) => string;
success: (message: string, options?: Partial<Omit<ToastProps, 'message' | 'type'>>) => string;
error: (message: string, options?: Partial<Omit<ToastProps, 'message' | 'type'>>) => string;
info: (message: string, options?: Partial<Omit<ToastProps, 'message' | 'type'>>) => string;
dismiss: (id: string) => void;
dismissAll: () => void;
Usage example:
import { toast, ToastProps } from 'cross-toast/react';
const customToast: ToastProps = {
message: 'Typed toast notification',
type: 'success',
position: 'top-right',
duration: 5000,
theme: 'dark',
onHide: () => console.log('Toast hidden')
Option | Type | Default | Description |
message |
string | required | The message to display in the toast |
type |
string | 'success' |
Toast type: 'success' , 'error' , or 'info' |
position |
string | 'bottom-right' |
Position on screen: 'top-left' , 'top-right' , 'bottom-left' , 'bottom-right' |
duration |
number | 3000 |
Duration in ms before the toast disappears |
theme |
string | 'auto' |
Theme to use: 'light' , 'dark' , or 'auto' (follows system preference) |
onHide |
function | undefined |
Callback function when toast is hidden |
Method | Parameters | Return | Description |
show |
props: ToastProps, theme?: ToastTheme |
string (toast ID) |
Shows a toast with custom properties |
success |
message: string, options?: Partial<ToastProps> |
string (toast ID) |
Shows a success toast |
error |
message: string, options?: Partial<ToastProps> |
string (toast ID) |
Shows an error toast |
info |
message: string, options?: Partial<ToastProps> |
string (toast ID) |
Shows an info toast |
dismiss |
id: string |
void |
Dismisses a specific toast by ID |
dismissAll |
none | void |
Dismisses all active toasts |
Cross-Toast implements accessibility features to ensure a good experience for all users:
- Toast notifications use appropriate ARIA roles and attributes
- High contrast themes ensure readability
- Keyboard focus management for interactive elements
- Screen reader friendly notifications
Cross-Toast supports all modern browsers:
- Chrome (latest 2 versions)
- Firefox (latest 2 versions)
- Safari (latest 2 versions)
- Edge (latest 2 versions)
If toasts aren't appearing, check:
- You're importing from the correct path (
) - You have the correct CSS imported or included
- There are no CSS conflicts with existing styles in your application