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thenewdays edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 10 revisions


  • ESP8266 board
  • Micro-USB cable
  • Computer (Windows)

Flashing the Wi-PWN binary

  1. Download the latest Wi-PWN binary.

  2. Install the appropriate driver for your board (Install both if you are unsure).

  3. Download the nodemcu-flasher. (Alternatively you can use the official esptool)

  4. Connect your ESP8266 board and open the NodeMCU Flasher

  5. Go to the Config tab and click on the gear icon in the first entry.

  6. Browse for the .bin file you just downloaded and click open.

  7. Go to the Operation tab and click the Flash(F) button.


CP210x CH34x
Drivers Drivers
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