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Ema John

How I worked on this project

My goal was to create a clone of Amazon.

  • I built this app based on a simplified design for a e-commerce website.
  • I wanted to built a user-friendly interface with info-rich products.
  • Payment option with Stripe for a full e-commerce flow

How to navigate this project

Why I built the project this way

  • I didn't use a state management library like Redux on purpose. For this app simple context API is sufficient. I realized that more and more projects don't use Redux anymore since GraphQL or react-query are often used for data management.
  • My plan is to become a full-stack developer. For the beginning I am using Firebase to manage authentication. That's why I decided to use an existing API rather to create a custom authentication system. I have basic backend knowledge.

If I had more time I would change this

  • Set up continuous integration to run the tests and ESLint on every Pull Request
  • Make the website more responsive and add review feature for users
  • Refactor some of the code. Especially this part [link to code on GitHub]
  • Add end-to-end tests with Cypress.

See it live
