Generates schedule for leagues with two divisions.
For help:
$ ./ --help
Note: Offsets are used to matchup inter-divisional teams.
- Week 1: Inter-division with matchup offset 1
- Week 2-6: 4x intra-division games, 1x inter-division with matchup offset 2
- Week 7: Inter-division with matchup offset 3
- Week 8,9: Inter-division with matchup offset 0 ("rivals")
- Week 10-14: 4x intra-division games, 1x inter-division with matchup offset 4
Schedule distribution:
- 2x games against teams in your division
- 2x games against one team in the other division (inter-divisional rival)
- 1x game against the other 4 teams in the other division
$ ./ --div1 Bel David DG Ro Migs --div2 Irv Clint Dan Lauren AG --inter 1 --intra 2 --inter 3 0 0 --intra 4 --distribution
This is a league with an even number of division teams so no need for an offset for intra-divisional weeks.
- Week 1-5: Intra-division games
- Week 6-11: Inter-division games with matchup offsets 0 through 5 (all teams in the other division)
- Week 12-16: Intra-division games
Schedule distribution:
- 2x games against teams in your division
- 1x game against teams in the other division
$ ./ --div1 Tito Frank Igor Dan Saber Gamal --div2 DG Mo AG Bel John Peter --intra --inter 0 1 2 3 4 5 --intra --distribution
Python 3+
- Since I'm focusing on fantasy sports use case, not distinguishing between home and away games.