A Better ChatBox that focuses on letting you make the ChatBox you want! BetterChat introduces channels, emotes, text modifiers, extensive per-channel settings, and even optional giphy support!
You can get the latest release from the Steam Workshop. The latest development build is available from Github.
- This chat requires ULX, and integrates the support very thoroughly.
- To enable giphy support, you will need to generate a testing giphy key for your server.
- Channels
- Player
- Team
- Admin channel that integrates ulx asay
- Group channels that can be user created and managed
- Private Message channels that integrate ulx psay
- Logs for admins, all messages from any channel, for all players are forwarded to this channel
- Prints
- Optional team overload (for DarkRP or DarkRP derivative gamemodes)
- Emotes (requires extract with gmad.exe to customise)
- Giphy support (you will need to generate a beta API key here)
- Nicer text input (all the normal text shortcuts you'd expect from a full text editor)
- Autocomplete (with visible suggestions) on player names, ulx commands and emote names. Suggestions based on usage
- Chat history
- Clickable links
- Discord style text modification (*italics*, **bold**, ~~
strike-through~~, __underline__) - Text colouring, via
(in hex, e.g.[#ff0000]
for red), or[@red]
. Colour tags set the text colour until the next colour tag. Use[#]
to reset back to white.
Example usage:[#ff0000]This is red, [@green]this is green, and [#]this is white :)
- Extensive global and per-channel settings
- Customisable player quick access menu (quickly run ulx commands or any custom command on players via a menu)
- Fully integrated DarkRP Support (including groups, FAdmin, PM, etc.)
- Ulx permission support for all special features (giphy, groups, text modification, etc. )
- Plugin support and many more smaller features, you just gotta try it out to find them all! :D
If a player on your server does not like this chat, it can be disabled in Q->options->BetterChat without error.
Some chat based addons aren't fully compatible with BetterChat, I'll try to fix any I can, but some require the other addon to be changed. I'll list any addons that require this in the Compatibility Discussion, along with how to fix them.
- DarkRP
- ATags (with and without DarkRP)
- /code for gmod lua syntax highlighting (like steam's /code)
- Link pre-loading (simple website name acquired only by the sending client, for security)
- An admin options menu to outright disable some features
- Ctrl + s : Toggles current channel's settings panel
- Ctrl + Shift + s : Toggles local player's quick access menu
- Ctrl + e : Toggles emote menu
- Ctrl + Backspace : Removes last word
- Ctrl + Shift + Backspace : Removes all before caret
- Ctrl + Tab : Next Channel (Or swap emote mode, when Emote menu open)
- Ctrl + Shift + Tab : Previous Channel
- Ctrl + 0,1 ...,9 : Select respective channel (Or insert respective emote, when emote menu open)
- Ctrl + w : Close tab
- Ctrl + o : Toggle open channel tab
- Tab : Autocomplete
All global settings are stored as ConVars, every convar can have it's default set on the server using "[ConVar]_default" Each of these settings can also be modified via Q->options->BetterChat, and will show more information on hover.
- bc_fadeTime : Time for a chat message to fade (0 for never)
- bc_chatHistory : Number of messages received before old messages are deleted
- bc_teamOpenPM : Should opening team chat open to most recent unread PM
- bc_rememberChannel : Should betterchat remember your most recent channel when opening
- bc_saveOpenChannels : Should channels from your previous session be re-opened on join
- bc_channelNumShortcut : Should the shortcuts CTRL+[0-9] change channel
- bc_acDisplay : Should autocomplete suggestions be showed in the text input
- bc_acUsage : Should autocomplete order its suggestions based on your usage of them
- bc_clickableLinks : Should any hyperlinks posted to chat be clickable
- bc_printChannelEvents : Should messages like "Channel All created" be shown
- bc_allowConsole : Should any message starting with '%' be run as a console command instead
- bc_convertEmotes : Should emotes like ":)" be converted to their respective emoticon. Note this is purely client side, others will still see the emoticon
- bc_showGifs : Should gifs from !giphy (if it is enabled) be rendered
- bc_doPop : Should the chat ever play the Pop sound (based on other settings)
- bc_doTick : Should the chat ever play the Tick sound (based on other settings)
- bc_formatColors : Should colors typed in chat be displayed in their respective color
- bc_server_replaceTeam : Replaces team channels with a separately networked team channel (separate per team). This is useful for StarWarsRP-like servers, where players often change rank, and team chat is disabled by default.
- bc_server_removeTeam : Disables the default team channel
- bc_server_maxLength : Maximum message length, gmod's default is 126
- bc_server_giphyKey : Set this if you wish to enable giphy support on your server. you will need to generate a beta API key here (it's free and easy, you will need to make an account though). then call
bc_server_giphyKey [yourkey]
. - bc_server_giphyHourlyLimit : This defaults to 10, which I found to be a reasonable amount considering the limits on a beta API key. If your server does not have many players (or players don't often use this feature), feel free to increase this.
- bc_chatlogs : Enables the 'Logs' channel which receives all messages from groups, PM, team, etc.
- bc_giphy : Ability to use !giphy if bc_server_giphykey is valid
- bc_color : Ability to use
in chat - bc_groups : Ability to use BetterChat groups
- bc_italics : Ability to use
in chat - bc_bold : Ability to use
in chat - bc_underline : Ability to use
in chat - bc_strike : Ability to use
in chat
All channels are limited by the ULX chat cooldown ConVar: ulx_chattime
If you wish to change the way this addon logs messages to console, you can use the BC_onServerLog
-- channelType is one of the enums in bc.defines.channelTypes: GLOBAL, TEAM, GROUP, ADMIN, PRIVATE
-- channelName is a printable name for the channel, e.g. "Global", "Team - User", etc.
-- ... are the message structure as it would be printed to logs. Often includes: player, ": ", message
-- but can be different (e.g. for private messages)
-- This hook must RETURN the string to be printed, not print it itself. This is so ULX logs still function.
-- The following example shows how to recreate normal gmod logging - This means no logs for groups
hook.Add( "BC_onServerLog", "myHook", function( channelType, channelName, ... )
local data = { ... }
local sender = data[1]
local senderName = "Console"
local senderAlive = true
if sender:IsValid() then
senderName = sender:Nick()
senderAlive = sender:Alive()
-- data[2] will likely be ": "
local message = data[3]
if channelType == bc.defines.channelTypes.GLOBAL then
return ( senderAlive and "" or "*DEAD* " ) .. senderName .. ": " .. message
elseif channelType == bc.defines.channelTypes.TEAM then
-- By default, team only show if you're dead. Ofc this is wrong, but we're recreating default behaviour here.
return ( senderAlive and "" or "*DEAD*(TEAM) " ) .. senderName .. ": " .. message
elseif channelType == bc.defines.channelTypes.PRIVATE then
-- data[2] is " -> "
local receiver = data[3]
-- data[4] is ": "
message = data[5]
-- Private messages, either via !psay, private channel, or /PM for DarkRP
return senderName .. " to " .. receiver:Nick() .. ": " .. message
elseif channelType == bc.defines.channelTypes.GROUP then
-- Ignore group messages - the group id and name will be in channelName. Structure: "Group ${id} - ${name}"
return ""
elseif channelType == bc.defines.channelTypes.ADMIN then
-- Admin messages using @, ulx asay, admin channel, or /adminhelp for DarkRP
return senderName .. " to admins: " .. message
end )
Plugin lua files can be placed in the lua/betterchat*plugins folder. These will be automatically networked and loaded on client and server based on the name.
Plugins file names must be in the form [sv|sh|cl]*{pluginName}.lua
For example:
Plugins can be reloaded on server and client via the bc_reloadplugins
console command.
If you wish your plugin to not be reloadable on clients, set the global RELOADABLE
to false
- You can copy a text's colour in the right click menu
- You can copy a player's full name or steam id by either right clicking their name in chat or in the player quick access menu
- Left clicking on a players name in the player quick access menu lists all other players
- Double clicking a player's name in the chatBox opens a private channel
- You can also access settings of (and sometimes close) channels by right clicking the tab
- You can close some channels by middle clicking the channel tab name
- You can change which channel is displayed when the chat closes in channel settings
- Renaming a group channel in its settings does so globally, all clients in the group will see that name
- If you scroll up too far, a little "Back to the bottom" button will show up
- You can choose which channels show prints (from addons like wiremod)
- You can move the chatBox by dragging the top right corner, then right click this corner to return it to its default position
IMPORTANT: This can be difficult, and sometimes does not work. I intend to change how this is done when I can, which will likely remove any custom emotes you add now. Proceed at your own risk :)
- Extract BetterChat's
file to folder, usinggmad.exe
. See here for how to do this - Navigate to
- Convert your spritesheet to vtf. Use this to convert png to VTF (not VMT). IMPORTANT NOTE, your image height and width must be a power of 2 (32, 64, 128, 256, ...), you don't need to use the entire sheet, but vtf files require this. If you get an error using the converter, this is likely why.
- Copy the vmt from another spritesheet and rename it to the same as your spritesheet.
- Open the vmt with a text editor and change line 3 to "$basetexture" "spritesheets/[YOURSPRITESHEET]" (without .vtf)
- Create a json file with the same name as your spritesheet, and fill it in using the following format.
"spriteWidth": 20,
"spriteHeight": 20,
"sprites": [
"posX": 0,
"posY": 0,
"name": "eyeroll",
"chatStrings": [
"posX": 1,
"posY": 0,
"name": "sidetongue",
"chatStrings": [
":p", ":P"
- spriteWidth and spriteHeight is the size of an individual sprite in pixels
- posX and posY are the position of the sprite in the sprite sheet, where 0,0 is top left (increase by 1 per sprite, not per pixel)
- Typing :mySprite: in chat will display a sprite with the name "mySprite"
- chatStrings is a list of extra strings to display the sprite. (this does not add ":"s, if you want
as an extra string, use:yourSprite:
) - The json file can also be a png file, as gross as this is, it's the only way to get steam to allow json in a materials folder, this is why emojis.png and gmodicons.png exist.