A simple amqp client that provides an interface on a messaging-pattern abstraction level.
Currently supported are pub/sub and rpc.
npm i simple-amqp-client
Import the Bus class and connect to your bus.
import { Bus } from 'simple-amqp-client';
const bus = new Bus(`amqp://user:password@localhost:5672`, "service-a");
await bus.connect();
Then start using messaging patterns as you wish! You can find the communication details in the docs.
type Foo = { text: string }
type Bar = { upperCaseText: string }
// pub/sub
await bus.subscribe<Foo>(
async (msg, routingKey) => console.log(`New test message: ${msg.text}:${routingKey}`)
await bus.publish<Foo>(
{ text: 'Hello world!' }
// logs 'New test message: Hello world!:test.info'
// rpc
await bus.answer<Foo, Bar>(
async (msg) => ({ upperCaseText: msg.text.toUpperCase() })
const response = await bus.call<Foo, Bar>(
{ text: 'hello world' }
// logs 'HELLO WORLD'
Publish/Subscribe pattern
When a message couldn't be processed you might want to republish the message so it can be consumed by some instance of this service again.
await subscriber.subscribe<Foo>('test.*', async () => {
throw new Error('Database currently not available.');
To do that just throw an error inside of the onMessage
handler function. The message will be republished to the service after a delay of 3 seconds.
You can prevent republishing a message while still rejecting it by throwing { invalidMsgFormat: true }
await defectSubscriber.subscribe<Foo>('test.*', async () => {
throw { invalidMsgFormat: true };
Check out the documentation.
Logs are written with debug.
DEBUG=simple-amqp-client:* npm run ...