helm create "chartname"
# demogarage is chart name
helm create demogarage
#to see the chart structure
ls demogarage
- Directory charts – Used for adding dependent charts. Empty by default.
- Directory templates – All kubernetees Configuration files that deploy in the cluster.
- Chart file – Outline of the Helm chart structure.
- values file – Formatting information for configuring the chart
#to see kubernetees objets yamls in templates
ls demogarage/templates
we can create other kuberntees resource yamls as per our application needs
- IfNotPresent – Downloads a new version of the image if one does not exist in the cluster.
- Always – Pulls the image on every restart or deployment.
- Latest – Pulls the most up-to-date version available.
To change the networking service type, locate the service value and change service type and port values The avaliable service types are
- ClusterIp
- NodePort
- Loadbalancer
helm install "full name override" "chart name"/ --values "chart name"/values.yaml
helm install demogarage-chart demogarage/ --values demogarage/values.yaml