This python script accepts 2 required arguments and others are optional. The script will run only if the required arguments are provided.
Required Arguments : s3 bucketname and the filepath.
Optional Arguments : Registry name, username , password and awsprofile name.
Use Optional arguments in the below scenarios
a) Use awsprofile , When you want to use a particular AWS profile. Example : Dev , Production etc. Please check the .aws/credentials file for more info.
b) Use the rest of optional arguments , When you want to use a registry other than
How to use with examples :
Use -h argument for help.
/usr/local/opt/python/bin/python3.7 /Users/sasikantpamuru/Desktop/python/ -h.
usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-r REGISTRYNAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-B AWSBUCKET, --awsbucket AWSBUCKET, Provide the aws bucket name.
-F AWSFILEPATH, --awsfilepath AWSFILEPATH, Provide the exact path to the file location
optional arguments:
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME Provide the registry username.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Provide the registry password.
-r REGISTRYNAME, --registryname REGISTRYNAME Provide the name of the docker registry.
-P AWSPROFILE, --awsprofile AWSPROFILE Provide the profile to use from aws credentials file.
Example :
A user has the file in a s3 bucket named testcis1. Inside the bucket there is a folder called docker and inside which is he saved to file tenantA.json. The user will use
python3.7 -B "testcis1" -F "docker/tenantA.json"