Goetia is a repository for Learning the Principles of using gRPC and Rest HTTP
The principle of using gRPC and Rest HTTP in 1 application is to use a grpc gateway. Grpc gateway is a proxy that can be used to access the gRPC service using the Rest HTTP protocol. This repository can be used as a reference to learn the principles of using gRPC and Rest HTTP in 1 application.
- Unit Testing (on progress)
- Integration Testing
- End to End Testing
- Deployment to Kubernetes k3s (on research)
- Go
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- GoLand (optional)
- Postman (optional)
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/saufiroja/Goetia.git
cd Goetia
- Install dependencies
go mod tidy
go install github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/[email protected]
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/[email protected]
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/[email protected]
- To Generate proto file
make protoc
- Run the application using docker-compose
make docker-up
- Open grafana dashboard
username: admin
password: admin
- Run unit test
make unit-test
METHOD | Endpoint | Description |
GET | {url}/todos | Get all todos list |
GET | {url}/todos/{id} | Get todo by id |
PUT | {url}/todos/{id} | Update todo |
PATCH | {url}/todos/{id}/status | Update todo status by id |
POST | {url}/todos | Create todo |
DELETE | {url}/todos/{id} | Delete todo by id |
- ✅ Go - The programming language used
- ✅ Docker - Containerization
- ✅ Docker Compose - Container orchestration
- ✅ PostgresSQL- Database
- ✅ Redis- Cache
- ✅ gRPC - Remote procedure call framework
- ✅ gRPC Gateway - gRPC to HTTP reverse proxy
- ✅ Http Server - HTTP server
- ✅ Jaeger - Distributed tracing
- ✅ Prometheus - Metrics
- ✅ Grafana - Visualization
- ✅ Logrus - Logging
- ✅ Loki - Log aggregation
- ✅ CI/CD - Continuous integration and delivery
- ✅ Unit Testing - Testing
- Kubernetes - Container orchestration (on research)
- Integration Testing - Testing
- End to End Testing - Testing
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details