A basic shell program for embedded processors.
Setup RISC-V Atom
First, we need to clone and setup the RISC-V Atom repository.
Clone atomshell
Open terminal (say, terminal-1) and run following command
$ git clone https://github.com/saurabhsingh99100/atomshell.git
Build Atomshell
$ cd atomshell
$ make Target=hydrogensoc
Run Atomshell
Open another terminal (say, terminal-2) and run the following command to generate virtual ports: simport
& userport
$ atomsim-gen-vports
Now, connect to generated virtual port: userport
$ screen $RVATOM/userport 9600
Now in terminal-1, run atomshell in AtomSim using the following command
$ make run
Now, switch back to terminal-2 and you should see AtomSim booting atomshell. Press enter
to continue with the boot. You should see the atomshell prompt.
To see all the supported commands run the help
To exit screen command on terminal-2, press ctrl
+ a
, then press :
and type quit
, press enter
to exit.