- This is a tool to parse Whatsapp messenger on a web browser. This tool uses the Selenium module in Python 2.7 and 3.5 for parsing through Whatsapp messages.
This is primarily built as a parsing tool for students.
- The repository is open to contribution from all interested developers. Kindly send us Pull Requests with explanation as to what changes you have done.
- Also, you can write to us by opening an Issue and also solve a current issue if possible.
- A detailed explanantion of how we came to building this software is maintained at the Wiki page.
- This repository was created and is currently maintained by @salman-bhai.
- The software is registered under the MIT License
- Fork this project to your GitHub account.
- After forking, enter the following commands in your terminal.
$ git clone https://github.com/salman-bhai/Whatsapp-Web
- After that get inside the repository and execute the following instructions
cd WhatsApp-Web
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv wa-web
source wa-web/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure to install Google Chrome or Chromium browser on your OS or you can also use Mozilla Browser to run this application.
Open the drivers directory and read the README file there and install the required drivers according to you convenience.
If you're using Chrome Driver run the following instruction:
python main.py --chrome
- If you're using Gecko Driver run the following instruction:
python main.py --mozilla