A work in progress programming language
It transcompiles to C. It uses ICU4C for its unicode support apis.
Before trying to compile and run the program, you will need a compiler for c++ mingw will suffice.
Once the repository is cloned:
- Install C/C++
- Install C/C++ Extension Pack
Install ICU
cd compiler/src
Run PxMain.cpp with a filename fed to compile
Variable declaration follows the format below
Variable_Name: Data_type = value;
Data Types
- int8/16/32/64
- uint8/16/32/64
- float32/64
- string
- char
- bool
- void
- object
- array (data_type[size])
If statements follow the format below
else if(conditional_statement){}
For single if statements, brackets are not required. Break and continue are supported.
While statements follow the format below
Functions should generally be declared prior to the main function and then defined after
func function_name(passed_variable_name:data_type) : ret_data_type {}
Void-returning functions are supported
- abstract
- as
- break
- case
- concept
- continue
- default
- do
- else
- extern
- false
- for
- func
- if
- implementation
- interface
- module
- new
- private
- protected
- public
- ref
- return
- state
- switch
- true
- value
- while
module test;
func blah(x:int32, y:int32) : void;
func main() : int32
blah(123, 586);
return 27;
func blah(x:int32, y:int32) : void
a: uint32 = 1024_u32;
i: int32 = x + -y;
j: int32 = i ÷ 4.0 as int32;
0x10ADF + 0b10101001 + 0o15675;
i = j > 12 ? 256 : 384;
b: bool = true;
if( b == false )
q: int32 = j * i;
b = true;
else if( i > 384 )
w: char = 'M';
b = false;
z: int32 = 0;
do {
z += 1;
if( z == 12 )
} while ( z > 0 && z < 20 )
while ( z > 0 || b == true ) {
z -= 1;
if( z == 5 )
c: char = '\u263A';
s: string = "こんにち\u263Aは世界";
array: int64[5] = [1_i64, 3, 5, 7, 9];
third: int64 = array[3];
array[4] = 128_i64;
For contributing to the project, refer to first-time contribution guide for guidance.