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tank is a game that allows anyone to have a bit of fun and take a break.

You are in a tank at a fixed location and the target (that you want to shoot) is moving towards you at a fixed rate. You choose the shot angle to launch projectiles at the target, and the system will tell if you have hit the target or by how much you missed the target. This continues until you either hit the target or it crushes you!

You have the option of being right in the middle of the action with manual shot mode, or you can put tank in auto shot mode and watch the battle manager do its thing and narrow down on the target.

Either way, enjoy taking a break and trying to to get crushed by the oncoming target!!


Not much here. You can run tank on Windows or Mac.

If you would like to compile, test, and build the code then you will need Golang installed.

Installing tank

To install tank, follow these steps:


copy "tank" to your machine
chmod 775 tank # to make it executable


copy "tank.exe" to your machine

Using tank

To use tank, follow these steps:


cd <dir that contains tank>


cd <dir that contains tank.exe>

Game Options:

Usage of ./tank:
  -a	Auto Shoot Mode (default - Manual Shot)
  -d float
    	Detonation Radius (meters) (default 20)
  -e	English Units (default - Metric)
  -m	Real-time Target Movement (default - Pause Target During Shot Decision)
  -p	Print Shot Profile

Random Values:

At startup, a random value is selected for Projectile Velocity (in the following range)

min Projectile Velocity = 300 meters/sec
max Projectile Velocity = 600 meters/sec

and Target Velocity (in the following range)

min Target Velocity     = 0   kilometers/hour
max Target Velocity     = 60  kilometers/hour


At startup, tank will tell you how it is configured:

Shoot Mode: Manual
Target Mode: Pause Target During Shot Decision
Units: Metric
Detonation Radius = 20.0 meters

You will be presented with a text display for each shot that tells you what the current situation is:

Projectile Velocity  = 558.5 meters/sec
Max Projectile Range = 31808.4 meters
Target Velocity      = 53.2 kilometers/hour
Target Velocity      = 14.8 meters/sec
Current Target Range = 26.6 kilometers
Current Target Range = 26640.1 meters
Enter a shot angle from 1.0 to 45.0 degrees (0 to quit):

After each shot, the resulting information will be displayed:

Taking shot #1 at 22.00 degrees. Flight time is 42.7 seconds.
Shot #1 took 42.7 seconds, and went 22095.9 meters (22.1 kilometers).
Target Range = 26009.2 meters at time of impact.
<< Undershot target by -3913.3 meters.

        6.4K     12.7K     19.1K     25.4K     31.8Kilometers

Timeline Explained

Flight Path

The projectile will fly above the Target Path and stop at the end of the Flight Path giving a visual representation of how long the projectile is in the air.

Target Path

The Target Path is fixed and represents the maximum range of the projectile. There are several different symbols that appear on the Target Path at different times:

"/" - This is where you are, at a fixed point at the beginning of the Target Path.
"+" - This is a divider marker, breaking the Target Path into even chunks.
"|" - This is the end of the Target Path, the maximum range of the projectile.
"T" - This is the Target as it approaches you.
"\" - This represents a "miss" of the Target and you will see how close to the Target you are.
"*" - This represents a "hit" of the Target, it has been destroyed.
Target Path Ruler/Legend
        6.4K     12.7K     19.1K     25.4K     31.8Kilometers

The Ruler/Legend describes the distances that the Target Path represents. Each + has a number under it, in either Kilometers or Miles. The last distance spells out the full units, so as to not clutter the entire timeline.

Shot Options Explained

Manual Shot Mode

By default, tank runs in manual shot mode (you have to select the target angle) with no target movement. The tank will only move when you take a shot - this gives you time to consider your shot angle with no pressure.

By selecting the -m option, the target will move all the time - while you are thinking what shot angle to use. This represents a challenge to make your decisions while impending doom is looming!

Auto Shot Mode

By selecting the -a option, the game will play itself and you can just sit back, relax, and see what happens. This can be extremely satisfying as you watch the drama unfold before you.

Print Shot Profile

Selecting the -p option will print out a table of the shot angles from 1-45 with their corresponding ranges and times for the (random)Projectile Velocity in your run.

You can use this information to decide what shot angles to take. Here's what the Shot Profile looks like for a Projectile Velocity = 567.4 meters/sec:

Shot Profile:
| Angle | Shot Range | Time  |
| (deg) |   (meters) | (sec) |
|   1.0 |     1145.7 |   2.0 |
|   2.0 |     2290.0 |   4.0 |
|   3.0 |     3431.4 |   6.1 |
|   4.0 |     4568.8 |   8.1 |
|   5.0 |     5700.5 |  10.1 |
     :            :       :
|  40.0 |    32329.1 |  74.4 |
|  41.0 |    32508.4 |  75.9 |
|  42.0 |    32648.0 |  77.4 |
|  43.0 |    32747.9 |  78.9 |
|  44.0 |    32807.9 |  80.4 |
|  45.0 |    32827.9 |  81.8 |

Building/Testing tank

tank is developed in Golang. You will need to download Golang from You can install additional developer tools such as an IDE if you would like, but it is not required.

Golang Version

This code was compiled with go version go1.15.7 darwin/amd64. Run go version to see what you are using.

Compile the Code and Build Executables

To build the code and create the stand-alone executable for your platform, just run the following command:

cd tank
go build

macOS: This will create the executable tank that you can run.

Windows: This will create the executable tank.exe that you can run.

Compiling the Code for other Platforms

For the complete list of operating systems and architectures that can be cross compiled, see

Compiling for Windows from macOS

If you are on a macOS platform and want to create an executable for Windows, then you would run the following:

cd tank
GOOS=windows go build

This will create the executable tank.exe that you can run on Windows.

Compiling for macOS from Windows

If you are on a Windows platform and want to create an executable for macOS, then you would run the following:

cd tank
GOOS=darwin go build

This will create the executable tank that you can run on macOS.

Run Unit Tests

To run the unit tests for your platform, just run the following command:

cd tank
go test

Upon execution, you should see something that ends with:

ok      tank    0.319s

Contributing to tank

To contribute to tank, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin tank/<location>
  5. Create the pull request.

Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.


This project uses the following license: MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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